Sheena Blackhall Poems

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Crossing The Bridge/ At The Rest Room

You crossed the bridge too soon
Who would have thought one room
Could hold such pain?

The Locket

It rests beside my heart. I keep it warm
Your baby-hair. I rub it like a charm
To plug the dam of tears from spilling down

My Town

Huge juggernauts of oil ships
Cast garish lights over a black sea

The map of my city has changed

Major Oak Sherwood Forest

A thousand years old, Major Oak has stood
A natural wonder of astounding size
The ruling monarch of ancient Sherwood

Mondrian Components

I am a blue rectangle
Think sky, in a cramped box
Think no frills convict overalls
Think bluebird road kill

My Cat Sighs

My cat sighs,
‘I want to be a celebrity
I deserve to have fan letters sent
From Katmandu

The Divorce

Nobody cheered, blew kisses, threw bouquets
There was no feasting, no celebratory sighs
No church rang with blessings, no prayers rose
To heaven, like chiming, footloose butterflies

Blackbird Singing

Who wrote your song?
I, said the blackbird
Why do you sing?
I must, said the blackbird

The Lambing

Like grey fur boulders rabbits huddle down,
Ears pressed back like sleeves,
Raiding the grassy larder of the fields.

Bannockburn 1314

Stirlin Castle lay in Inglis hauns
Beseiged bi Scots, a biggin strang an stoot
Edward, the Bruce’s brither, ringed it roon
Ettled tae sterve the furreign sodjers oot.

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