Sherry Painter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Rebel Girl:

I'm a rebel girl,
Always have been,
I never could take no for an answer, even if it was for my own good,
But I'm the type to do what has been said not to do.

The Start Of Spring:

The start of Spring,
Ah, the most moving time of the year.

Do you hear the lark?

My Angel

I open my eyes',
And what do I see?
An Angel,
Not just any angel,

Forget About Him:

I'd forget about him,
Except...I can't,
I can't forget him,
Or anything about him,

Your Dreams, You Life! :

Do what you want,
It's your life,
Your dream!


So, so lonely,
I feel like that flower I seen today,
It was in a yard surrounded by nothing but weeds and grass, none of his flower friends were out with him swaying along with him in the breeze,

When I Say His Name:

When I say his name,
There will be in it gratitude, love and pride,
He died for our country,
He died for me and our not-yet born child.

I Walk The Line:

I am crazy for you,
I will walk the linefor you.

I will walk the line you have set for me,

She Closed The Door:

Covered in white in one moment,
Then the next..
Covered in black,
Her lovers life flashed before her eye's,

'I Hear Her Voice':

I hear a voice wail,
I yank my head 'round and 'round,
'Wow is it! '
I cried out,

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