Shongminthang Haokip Poems

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Lasting Summer

A day out is the day you feel
The brightest sun closer to earth

With clouds so clear that you see

A Harmonic Cadence Of Loving

Wrote literature in my heart
Speaks when words can't
It is music

Young Lover's Hope

Thought of love was so sweet
entwined with heart and soul
never knew that it can hurt too
either imagine not of distances

'A Good Morning' (From The Emirates)

Early morning, cool and calm
Jaunting to the palm island
Traverse the city of Dubai
Glinted the road by the wayside lamps

Heartbroken Notes

In sudden, you don't want to be mine
That you find pride in his love!
Holding his hand by your choice
And your choice to leave me

Lonelier In Love

Love not
Or be loved
Matters none to loneliness
Even when nobody loves

Not Words But Into Your Eyes

Blaze as volcanic outburst
Over a paradisal mountains
Words, when fails it hurts

My Dream For A Future Manipur

My dream and only hope for my people born and unborn

That one day in Manipur the new sunrise equally shines on all people
Without any shadowed of opportunity across the hills as in the valley

Flames Of Injustice In Manipur

Brave and bold our men stand tall across foothills
As the flames of injustice engulfed our villages
The smoke of inhumanity touches the sky
Offering an alter, for divine intervention upon the immoral

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