Somanathan Iyer Poems

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Strangled Life

Strange is the human life
Estranged is every relation
Projected are love and affection
Ejected are venom and vendetta

What For My God?

Negligence towards me what for my God?
Nothing I could do may be the stance you have!
Ignorance towards me what for my God?
Ignorant I am may be the cause you show!

Random Thoughts

Fixed is nothing in this universe
Dangles everything without any base
The sun, the moon, the planets and the stars
Float all in the vacuum that is enormous

Nature Mourns

Despite bearing mighty mountains
Lakes and hills, forests and rivers
Vast volumes of oceans and seas
Trillions of tons of rocks and soil

Love And Peace

Let waves of wisdom vibrate the brains
Let bonds of brotherhood bloom in the hearts
Let healthy thoughts tickle the minds
Let grief and miseries vanish with efforts

Cage The Body & Bird The Soul

Alighted a bird along with the cage
Bird could never be seen, cage only mattered
Given a name not to the bird but to the cage
Attributed all the credits and flaws only to the cage

Our Status

An unsolved problem
An unattended request
An unexplained query
An unexposed scandal

A Saint In The Making

Keep the mind without strains
Keep the heart without stains
Easy to say things like above
Strain a lot to conceal the stains

Knowledge Of 1 To 9

One is the God-the only One
Two are the races- men and women
Three are the worlds-Hell, Earth and Heaven
Four are the desires of life

Life And Fate

Blessed are some with undeserved attention
Cursed are some with unjustified animosity
Life goes on with such contradictions

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