All You Want Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes

All You Want

In velvety halls, adorned with gold,
Lies a tapestry of stories yet untold.
Whispers of silk caress the air,
As jewels sparkle with a radiant glare.
A symphony of indulgence, a feast for the eyes,
Where luxury beckons with a tempting guise.

Oh, the allure of lavish attire,
Fine fabrics that ignite a burning desire.
Silken gowns embrace the curves,
Draped in elegance, one surely deserves.
Adorned with diamonds, shimmering bright,
The embodiment of grace, a celestial sight.

In opulent chambers, a haven of peace,
Where time stands still, and worries cease.
Feather-soft pillows, adorned with gold,
Cocooned in comfort, the tales unfold.
Velvet whispers of dreams come true,
In this sanctuary, designed for you.

Beyond the grandeur, a gastronomic delight,
Where flavors dance, captivating the night.
Indulge in delicacies, rich and divine,
A symphony of tastes, an experience you'll find.
From caviar to chocolate, a culinary affair,
A tantalizing journey beyond compare.

Luxury, my dear, comes in many forms,
From material treasures to emotions it transforms.
But remember, amidst the opulent embrace,
True richness lies in love and grace.
For all you want, dear reader, can be found,
In the simple joys that truly astound.

So let us cherish the moments, big and small,
For life's true luxury lies within us all.
In the laughter shared and the love we give,
In the memories created, that forever live.
Embrace the opulence that life bestows,
And cherish the beauty that within you grows.

For in this grand tapestry we weave,
Luxury is not what we receive.
It's the joy we find in every day,
The love we give, the kindness we display.
So let us embrace this precious gift,
And savor life's luxuries, our spirits uplifted.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ All You Want

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