Jack Ashenden Poems

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Blinding Tears

Responsibility, a heavy load
ways me down, and makes me feel the pressure
action, words - politics all a code
and people's actions, all I must measure

Guilt Poem

Guilt, a passion of the prideful soul
Does act as a shield to the grim reality
Spiritually, we are all unwhole
Victims of materialism, mere earthly fatalities.


Tremendous joy, a newly found feeling,
fills my young heart to a painful level.
Excitement grows, depression sent reeling,
the mind that had no hope still in revel.

Unravelled World

Hanging pon our darkest thought, the beast doth wait -
it's presence with our being a fearful thought.
Love seems the way to flee this evil trait
yet far to often, we are often caught.

Beautiful Soul

a beautiful obsession wracks my soul
and purity blinds me, makes me a fool
to know love extracts a terrible toll
as your body becomes a misused tool

No Mistress

Depressing my writing has become
In absence of the perfect one.
With heavy heart, a mistress now to seek
I mentally prepare for another painful week.

Misery My Fate?

Chaotic thoughts whirl around in my head
perhaps you love me, you probably don't
confused feelings leave me wanting my bed
but I can't, I mustn't ask you, I wont

Righteous Repression

The Magnificent manner of man's thought
hardens our hearts to the way we are taught.
The pure white fires of heaven's creation
doused by a torrent of man's indignation.

Without My Tongue

What would I be without my tongue? ,
for all I do doth depend on it.
Could I survive? learn while I am young
to be successful, not fall in the pit.


My heart had withered away, pierced right through -
but you came along and pierced my mind too.
The cruellest ache of love has been reborn -
I feel guilt - my conscience is newly torn.

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