Even Angels Cry Poem by Noen Muti

Even Angels Cry

Rating: 5.0

I fear to utter the wrong word,
Criticized from every corner, unheard.
And I fear to take the risk, selfishly I wish to refrain,
Do we have room for mistakes to sustain?

We judge all that we say,
I want to grow, but fear holds sway.
What should I say, though it's important, this life's ladder I climb,
A tale of my bond with a woman, once so sublime.

In moments shared, we danced through time,
Her laughter, her tears, both were mine.
Yet now I falter, words caught in my throat,
Even angels cry, as the stories they wrote.

Her eyes, a mirror of my own pain,
In love's tender realm, we sought to remain.
But doubt crept in, shadows did ensnare,
Leaving our hearts in disrepair.

Can we find grace in our flaws, forgive and forget,
Or are we doomed to a life of regret?
I stand here trembling, afraid to begin,
Hoping for a chance to mend and win.

For even angels cry, in the silence of night,
Their wings heavy with unspoken plight.
In this journey of love, imperfect and true,
I long to find my way back to you.

Monday, June 3, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: angels,cry,blind love,sad love,poems,famous authors
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