Jump, Jump! Poem by tammy jennette

Jump, Jump!

In a panic She jumps out of bed,
awakened to the popping of fire.
Trapped in her house quickly burning,
the flames grow hotter and higher.
It engulfs her home with its fury,
destroying all she had built.
So many years up in flames
suffocate her now with guilt.
She had carelessly left in the hall,
candles of fear to burn low.
Old wires of self doubt in the attic,
should have been repaired long ago.
Flames jump and snap at her feet, chasing her to the window.
Forcing her out on the ledge,
as the crowd below her grows.
Neighbors are quick to judge,
believing her jump is her doom.
"Stay there and wait" they shout,
"Help will be here soon! "
Their ground is stable. Their air is clean,
as black smoke invades her lungs.
They can see and point, but can not feel,
the pain of flaming sharp tongues.
Emotions jump wild inside her,
while the tears leave stains on her face.
Death sweetly whispers, "peace" to her,
with arms outstretched for embrace.
But to her own surprise she rises,
looks Death in the eye and shakes
an angry fist to all and cries…
"Every bone I have may break…
….and I may not survive this fall,
but I'll no longer wait to be saved!
Broken and crippled, I'd rather live…
than to melt to a cowardly grave! "
And she JUMPS….
You could hear a pin drop as she leapt
out in faith that hot summer night.
The shift of her life was obvious now.
I had never seen such a sight.
Did she fall 3 stories down to her death?
Or did she survive with broken bones?
What choice would you have made
out on that ledge all alone?
No matter how slim the chances,
and no matter how much it will hurt,
face your fears and rescue yourself.
To be happy and loved, you are worth.

Thursday, January 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fearless
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