Sony Dalia

Sony Dalia Poems

Days are warm like friend's wishes
Evenings darker than earlier
A nip in the nightly air enjoyable mostly…
If not in winter when will it be so?

Who says epics are worn out tales?
In every generation
at the turn of each corner
don't you see action unfolding?

As awards sailed my way thrilled I was
when my speeches garnered applause
An orator par excellence, they said.
Bouquets, beauties, bed of roses!

Life is a cosmos.
Many planets
spinning melody
satellites around

Riot of colours across the sky…
splashing water, skidding kids
watchful eyes excited with mirth,
speed boats zoom, parasailing, banana boats,

'Greetings from Xanadu'
caressing voice wakes up slumbering soul
heard, unheard tales on roll
naïve listener a rocking doll.

Flying birds know destination
Swimming fish know direction
Does man know what he does, dear?
Certainly not- -

Adhaato brahma jignaasaa…
Well said, well started.

Quest marks mind,

In the midst of clouds of mistrust,
corroded souls spitting venom
thickening, sickening chaos on campuses,
stars illuminate the tepid sky


All crows flock around
as a little one fails to fly,
dogs in the street run together
to drive away an intruder.

Speech splendid if conserved well
liberty no licence to thrash or trash,
bolts from blue silently smash
debates debilitate one and all.

Lonely, searching for food
wanders around each home in the street
most ignored but vigilant stray dog
guarding the street as its domain.

My love is like butter in milk
slides like rain drop along palm leaves
glides like swift winged kids at play.
Boil not milk, converse with your eyes

Dreams enchant, excite, evaporate
as camphor sublimates,
like gossamer links flit across…
shimmering as crowns

Puffed cotton balls like clouds flit across
shifting spaces, shapes--- sunlit wanderers;
boundless, bounteous beauty on view
sky the inner core offers lovely canopy.

Sectret of Life

What is mine

First there was the word
the universe reverberated
deluge destroyed all

As dusk draws
Taking a last look
At play field for the day
Solar flower bows head

Every one has a desire
Every event has a design
Every moment has a span.

The Best Poem Of Sony Dalia

If Not Now, When?

Days are warm like friend's wishes
Evenings darker than earlier
A nip in the nightly air enjoyable mostly…
If not in winter when will it be so?

Woolens are there, shawls rap like a beloved's arms,
Keeps one light in spirits -tea, coffee or rum in the mug,
Moonlit nights spread like lovers' aspirations…
If not in winter when will it be so?

Snow fall in Shimla, Chail, Pehalgam, Chamba
Youth around camp fires on slopes,
Twosome chirpy birds in some corner…
If not in winter when will it be so?

Piping hot mirchy, pakoda, samosa, vada,
Chat in street corners, fresh syrupy Jalebis,
Spicy chutneys, tangy achar, roti, pantha…
If not in winter when will we savour most?

Every season has a reason to appeal,
Every event has a cause to recall,
Every meeting has an agenda to boast…
If not ‘here' and ‘now' when will it be possible!

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