Sonya Florentino Poems

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Love Hostage

Why does he keep me hostage
If he doesn’t even want me?
Why does he make me suffer
If he doesn’t care how I feel?

Barren Beauty

The bare trees look beautiful against the sky

Why should I cry

At The Finish

Can't keep up with the dust
Can’t get rid of the rust
Can’t run faster than fast
Can’t keep time in a glass

No Crime But Punishment

I love you like a cliché
I’m not ashamed one bit
If love is a crime, I plead guilty
No, I am not innocent

# Pillow Comfort (Bitter-Sweet Regret)

I’m not done with you, my dear, no, not yet
Still can’t forget you, my bitter-sweet regret
I still remember your smile and sweet embrace
As I hold your soft warm pillow to my face

# # Spellbound (Inspired By A Poem By Paul Hansford)

Can words paint a picture in the mind

Can a poem evoke a memory

# Afternoon Shadows

The late sun turned two birds into four

In the glare they all seem like shadows

# Yesterday's Rain

The grass is red

where the flowers had fallen from the trees

# Starry Night

To dream
What for
Disappointment on hold
Life unfolds

I Am My Poem

I am my poem
That's why I write
To find out who I am inside

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