Steve Ricketts Poems

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Eternal Sleep

And so the night has come once more, with all that I am hopping for, to find my sleep and then to dream, along with hope to see you again. Although I know that I must wake. I truly ask my soul to take, for when I wake from sleep once more, it's then my pain begins again. If I could sleep for evermore and in my sleep be with you once more. No pain would be my company, my soul would fly and we'd be free.

Must I bare this pain so deep, when all I want is eternal sleep. To sleep and only dream of you, is all I ever want to do. Is this so wrong for me to say, that I should wish my pain away. So hard to live this life of mine, while feeling lost all the time. For I'm but a shadow of the man I use to be, It's all that's left for all to see, everything else has been torn from me.


How long do I keep on grieving for I haven't
got a clue. Is there a special time that draws
it to a close. Is there a time to stop this hurting,
for they say my pain will ease, in time I'll start my

Echo's Of The Past

Is it just that love we miss, or the fact that your no longer here. That silent space that you once owned, is still the same now on it's own, easy comfort grew through the years. Is not the same without you here. Papers read like before, with out your comments on all you saw. Tea now brewed in it's pot, maybe just one thing forgot, fine china now put away, pour it in one mug today.

Lunch time's here again, fresh bread awaits that kitchen knife, door step start to arrive, a few to many for my eyes. Will I ever realise, this how it use to be. Time to turn that t.v on, channel hopping once again, nothing feels quite the same, lets leave it on all the same, it's nice to hear a voice again, the sound can drowned this silence out.

Are You Missing Me

I sit here and wonder, if your missing me, if your feeling lonely or feeling blue like me. Do you miss my arms around you, that cuddle in the night, the long chats every evening and that kiss to say goodnight.

Tears, Let Them Flow.

When your tears feel like falling, don't hold them back for me, it will never hurt to let your tears break free, all that I can tell you, is your tears do need to fall, all their really doing is cleansing your poor soul.

We only cry when needed, why else would it be. It shows how much we love them, it's how it's meant to be. It such a shock to lose them, and more than we can bare. For we just want the world to know, it would be so much better, if they could still be here.

Time Keeps Moving

Days pass into weeks, I know you can not see, time stands still for you, now you rest in peace, I'll still carry on and face the world alone, pretending that your still waiting for me to come on home, but when I turn that key, it's then I know you're gone.

I need your here right now, to take this pain from me, to hold me for a while, is all I ever dream, I need to feel your warmth, to know your missing me, for you are the only one, who fulfilled my every need. I sit and try to find, the reason, why I still survive.


My winter has arrived, only darkness do I see. I try to recall your voice, it would be a light for me. My summer's are no more and my spring will not be seen. I'll never have my sunshine now your not with me.

I try to turn a corner, to find a ray of light. But I only find the darkness, this nightmare that keeps me from the light. I stumbled in the darkness, my mind struggles to be free. This dark depressing feeling, just won't let me be.

A Stranger Came Calling And Death Was His Name.

A stranger came calling the other day, he stood in the doorway and argued with me. Death was his name or so he did say, so I stopped him from coming right in, but as we argued, a trick he did play, although I was trying with all my might, to stop this intruder from leaving my sight, for when I did turned, all I that could see, was this shadowy figure, saying come, come with me.

Struggle to hold him I did try, all of my efforts were proved in vain, from stopping him taking my Love one away and then he did tell me something of a surprise, as he sat down beside me and looked in my eyes, he said no do not worry for this is no end, all I am doing is being a good friend. Just look at this Women who once stood so proud, can you not see all the trouble she is in, surely for goodness, am I not being kind, how could she not want all this misery to end, I bring an end to all the pain that she seen, so surly it is best now if she come with me.

Years Will Come And Years Will Go

The sun will rise, the sun will set, the world will turn, but I'll not forget. The summer sun will fade away, as autumns leaves fall from the trees, the frost will come but it won't last, when spring returns to warm the earth, before we know a year has passed. But my heart will still hurt for you.

The day will dawn, the night will fall, while the earth rotates in full, but I will still think of you. The summer days stretch ahead, short nights to rest my head, then a chill arrives upon the ground, as winter moves it's frozen hand, while the waiting flower buds, welcome in the start of spring, yet now, another year has been. But I will still grieve for you.

Undying Love We Do Declare

Time moves on I suppose it must. Memories placed away to gather dust. But a life must mean more than this. A well placed stone stuck in the mud, marking out a life that's been. Empty words so often seen, pointing out that hallowed ground. Where once a life, a love was found, now no more than a fleeting care. Picked up by strangers standing there, wondering who they really were. Did they love and who did care. Frantic searches all around but still no sign of loved ones here. All those who did declared, gone from us but we still care, in our heart your still there. Yet still the weeds gather round this long forgotten piece of ground.

Empty words on printed cards, left for all the world to see. Duties done they rest assured. Hardy plants left in their pots, given time there'll be forgot. Minds convinced the right thing done, conscience clear, no guilt found here. Years will pass and mind will turn, back to the things said not done. Bones grow weak, although mind still strong, remembering promises left undone. Time will toll and wait it's turn, history repeats and now thoughts turn, to that little piece of earth.

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