Tang Trevor

Tang Trevor Poems

Over 50 Million brothers are
all over the world,
being dragged to the right angle,
without giving a word.

A blue and secret flower
is somehow attractive and cool.
It is charming that
I become a fool.

I have battled with him
indiviually in my bed.
But he is so strong that
defeats me and makes me sad.


It is a symbol of warrior.
No betrayer, no fear.

Love is black,
no way back.
Everyone wanna
find her Jack.

I have shopped for hours
with Hilary and Ting.
When they are in the changing room,
I just think today is 1st of May.

[Inspired by Westlife]

You give me strength,
you give me hope.

He looks strong,
he is weak inside.
All are wrong,
tiredness is hided.

The distance is wide,
my heart is moving apart....
You made me pride,
we were friends in dark.

Notifications become one.
Immediately click on it.
Read it.

We chuckle and Smile,
very simple,

Candle got dimmer at night,
Being far away from the 'bright'
It was blown years ago,
I still miss you when I am alone.


My mind runs fast and hot,
as the clock just tik and tok.
The sound drives me sober,
but also makes me weaker.

Hawks snatch faults by its claws
always wanting to get more.
Not being one of your food,
i really havn't understood.

The stars are praised and full of pride,
While blackholes are dumped by side.
Being sucked by the hole,
I just wail as 'oh' and 'no'.

Wear the mask
to cover the tear.
It's the morning task
to hide my fear.

He should lead the forest.
No objection, no doubt.
He bleeds and has a rest,
just sit and shout.

No need to worry,
because I know it.
Only the fury,
I never forget it.

something is moving apart,
just obsess in the so called 'life'
It's dark in the heart.

Tang Trevor Biography

A new 17 years old poet who has wriiten poems for a few weeks is yearning for the comments. Only by the constructive comments, can I write better. The more comment I receive, the better I will write.)

The Best Poem Of Tang Trevor

I Am An Angry Bird

Over 50 Million brothers are
all over the world,
being dragged to the right angle,
without giving a word.

They make mistakes and mistakes,
which are again and again without rest.
We just swoop to the sticks,
just like keeping fail in the test.

Hey man!
We have feel, I feel painful.
You play still, it is unrespectful.

You just keep on doing this,
I must give you a hiss.

'We have feel, I feel painful.
You play still, it is unrespectful.'

This makes a bird angry,
buy you think I m funny.

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