The Artist Poems

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Try a thousand time to,
But you would never get through,
To overcome it is unfeasible,
A part of life undeniable.

An Evening

The sky has turned pastel pink,
And the glorious sun is about to sink,
This is the time to feel distraught,
This feeling in your heart comes seldom not.

My Prayer

“Salvage me away from painful grieves” I pray not oh god of mine,
Never shall I get tormented by them,
Nor do I beg for solace to my smoldered and Razed Soul,

Bread Turns Him Dead.

A Death
Bread turns him dead,
The final decision of his life has been taken,
An anonymous voice to his soul said,

A Night

Once is sat upon a dark and mystical night,
Watching the moon with total delight,
The sky with the stars- sparkling and dazzling,
Evoked in my heart a distraught feeling,


Whenever comes in front of eyes; my dearly Hamlet,
Far away goes all; from my mind; my instances of regret.
There in the meander river flows sparkling and gleaming waters,
My sight wanders like a butterfly, but ceases my chatters!


He who can behold the strength of courage,
Knowing the price needed to keep it,
He who can fortify his mind, by all the bad thoughts,
And whilst infiltrate to others mind, the positivity of values,

At Peace.......

The time is still, but is flowing,
Like the water in the brooks,
It seems so calm and still, yet it flows
Towards the destiny that it took.

Pride And Almighty

When pride subsists almighty doesn't,
and when almighty subsists there is no pride.
The vale of love is totally compact,
No two can live beside.

The Waves Of Time

Once whilst walking on the seashore leisurely,
Did I passed a distraught moment,
I was taken aback by the scenery,
My soul tranquil, my heart prudent,

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