Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Landscape Painting

Brush strokes with tints, line, and texture
From an artist’s palette willingly surrender
Lending to interpretation of visual conjecture
With inspired mastery they convincingly render

Spring Snow

Crocuses and tulips are emerging from the ground
Proclaiming that spring has arrived without a sound
From the gray of morning sky snow is gently released
The unusual sight is quite unusual... to say the least

Growing Upward

A small tree began to grow
Many impressions were pressed
Into the sapling’s brow and soul
Some gladden…others distressed

A Matter Of Discretion

A pleasant face…the kind that conceals
Controlling the emotions that honesty feels
Each one of us is a pretender of sorts
Sometimes imprecise…but giving support

Ready For A Homerun?

In a world of beginnings
It is often difficult to express
While a sphere is spinning
Sometimes goals digress…

Lying Under Oath

When your past performance is under investigation
Is there a time when questioning goes over the line…
An intrusion on your personal life causes hesitation
In your mind it seems best to lie rather than define

Getting Old

Looking in the mirror, I see an old person
An image that looks like my mother’s twin
Yes, I’ve aged and for that I do not agonize
I have become more pardoning within

Angry Clouds

I’m touched by how a young child describes
With incredible expression and vibes…
Driving with Matthew strapped in his car seat
He shared a story I would like to repeat

Gentle Words Of A Poet

Separated by circumstance and space
Joined together by hopeful dreams
Gentleness connects with an embrace
Thoughts are united as openness beams


When I am angry I feel like I could spit fire.
Give me a sincere apology that’s all I require.
My inner combustion has many spark flashes.
Extinguish the flames before I burn to ashes.

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