Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Jelly Beans

There are a variety of colors and flavors
Soft with gooey sweet tastes to savor
Pick a color and guess what’s in store
All are favorites… sneak back for more

I Am

I am the sweetness of honey from the bee
I am the fragrance from the magnolia tree
I am the soil beneath your feet lending
The strength upon which you are depending

A Portrait

Beauty on canvas draws scrutinizing attention
A likeness capturing breath on a flat dimension
Eyes with peaceful joy have an inner glow
Your fixed gaze makes inquisitiveness grow

Satin Glass

The night fills with dimmed hues and unforeseen surprises
Opalescent moonbeams dance lightly on rippling streams
Opaque curtains of solitude surround before sight realizes
Transforming summer splendor into a muted rush of dreams

Etched Thoughts

It is difficult to find words to define
The qualities of virtue that describe
Sensitive eyes of the rainbow mind
Poetry that approaches the sublime

Layers Of Life

Under the varying layers of applied paint
Many tubes of hue must be acknowledged
The canvas of innocence and naïve purity
Has absorbed the brush strokes of knowledge

Love Songs

Songs of love surpass words and musical rhythm
Sung with an array of emotions in arranged verse
Accompanied by flutes or drums…horns or strings
Heart felt feelings unify receptive ears of the diverse

The Land Snail

With a calcium coiled dome of shelter carried
Upon his back…he leisurely travels along
Merging forward…as though being ferried
Never pausing to look back all his life long

The Artistry Of Birds

The love of birds has prompted my neighbor to indulge
In the feeding of feathered friends who come to feast
Pecking and consuming... expanding with a bulge
Sufficiently satisfied…. Seeking a place to release

Watch Your Garden Grow

Pleasure is derived from watching…
Mesmerized by life forces while maturing
Marvelous treasures of delight are expanding
The wonders of growth are reassuring

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