Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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In The Eye Of The Beholder

There is an ideal regarding beautiful creatures,
A scale from one to ten, rating perfect features.
That lovely nose, and flawless voluptuous smile…
My one and only, you are like no other crocodile.


When you give a big hug.
You get one back in return
The more you give,
The more you earn…

Roses, Rainbows And Butterflies

The most lovely of wonders…

Open petals display anticipation.

Rocky The Rottweiler

The long awaited social security check finally did arrive.
After buying some food, there were ten twenties and a five.
The remainder of the month still had many bills to pay.
The old man was thankful; he would be able to find a way.

Have You Ever…

Have you ever hidden a treasure?
A belonging too valuable to measure.
You put it in a place that was remote.
There are no traces in a written note.


Written words have importance.
The flow can sooth and entrance.
It can ridicule and cruelly pierce.
The tongue can be blazing fierce.

Lucky 7/7/7

Numbers revolve from year to year.
According to some, today is a lucky day.
Focus on these digits creates fascination.
Sevens rarely follow in this orderly way.

Night Thoughts

The silence of night no longer induces sleep
Deep reverberating thoughts waken my brain
Through closed eyelids I am reliving the past
Random life experiences indelibly remain

Old Christmas Cards

I save old Christmas cards
Each has a beauty with regards
Hidden from sight they fondly stay
It’s such a pity to throw them away

Missing Keys

A tapping at the door
Was a prelude to what was in store
In a panic you did profess
Absent car keys made you mind a mess

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