Tolly Rebeka Christian BlackWolf Hawk Poems

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Inner Child {part One}

In the morning light, I look in the mirror at crusty eyelashes and lids,
On top of blood-red eyes.
Oh, my!
Where did that person come from?

Four Years, Five Elements

Year One, trial by Fire to test your mettle.
Year Two, doused in frigid Water to see if you’re brittle.
Year Three, Air dried to see if you frazzle.
Year Four, thrown to Earth to see if you crackle.

Inner Child {part Three}

In the soft light of the moon, I wander aimlessly in the park.
The coo of a mourning dove, the trill of the whippoorwill, the baying of a hound, the howl of the coyote.
All these sounds cascading down my ears, no fear do I feel.
I hear my own footsteps, lightly crushing the fallen leaves.

Inner Child {part Two}

In the blinding light of midday, I walk a busy sidewalk.
I am in a crowd, yet I walk alone.
I see my reflection in widows I walk by, my figure stretched by Imperfect ripples within the panes.
How odd that I just now realize how alike I am to these panes.


To love and be loved,
To forgive and forget,
To feel and to heal…
To learn and teach,


Kanji swords in hand, white hair billowing in the wind, as you fly upon strong gray wings.
The Wheel of Justice is your throne,
Those who do evil tremble beneath your piercing gaze;
Crushed by your reason from which none can hide,

On My Side (And Yours Too!)

On My Side (and your’s too)
By Tolly Rebeka Christian BlackWolf Hawk

God’s on my side, yes He is.

The Grand Design

The Grand Design
By Tolly Rebeka Christian BlackWolf Hawk

Winds and Wilderness all a mesh create the background of God’s majestic tapestry.

The Dragon And The Phoenix (Version Two) :

The Dragon and the Phoenix (version two) :
The Tiger lies in a mist, shrouded in mystery.
Who is she, what is her purpose?
The Dragon lies upon a cloud, covered by time.

The Writer And The Soldier

The Writer and The Soldier
Tolly Rebeka Christian BlackWolf Hawk

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