Trade Martin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Truly Real Fantasy

I dream about it constantly….,
But it’s something I’ll never reveal…..,
You wouldn’t be able to guess it either….,
It’s My Truly Real Fantasy…..,

Tasteless, Degrading Remarks

He nailed his own coffin….,
With his Tasteless, Degrading Remarks…..,
And will never have a shot….,
At the highest office again…..! ! !

Let’s Kiss For Christmas

Let’s Kiss For Christmas…..,
For our love is strong……,
Let’s Kiss For Christmas…..,
Together is where we belong…..,

The Image Of Christmas

The Image Of Christmas….,
Is a beautiful one……,
It brings out the joy…..,
In everyone……,

Mother Teresa With A Beard

On his E.I.B. radio show……,
Rush said today……,
That now that he’s releasing……,
The UK hostages……,

Our Breathing Causes Pollution” (Huh? ? ?)

Every time we exhale…..,
We emit carbon dioxide……,
So the I E C…..,
(International Environmental Conference) …..,

Speed Hump” (Haiku)

With an awesome bump……,
It’s my favorite Speed Hump……,
I must be careful……! ! !

If You Die, I’ll Kill You

I would never live…..,
Through another day……,
Without you by my side…..,
I could never find my way……,

Independent Thinking

I realize it’s tough for a lot of us…..,
To go our own way…..,
And speak our separate minds……,
Because most opinions…..,

Façade Of Sympathy

Sure you felt bad…..,
Yes, it touched your heart….,
The sadness and the grief….,
That tore many dreams apart….,

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