Troy Nichols Poems

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On Angel Wings

On angel wings you do fly
On angel wings into the sky
On angel wings i do cry
Because those angel wings took you away

War Is Pointless

What is the meaning of war?
Pointless if you ask me.
Young men so strong.
Full of future feeling free

As The Cold Wind Blows

As the cold wind blows
I smile and laugh
As the cold wind blows
Im warm and safe

The Things We Say.

The things we say burn
The things we say heal
The things we say love
The things we say hate

The Grass Smells Red

The grass smells red.
Untill these mortal bounds find thier way into the catostrophic fire's of love and redemption, the grass will smell red.
The grass tells a story of wars unsung and battles lost.
The grass tells a story of love gained and a fury found again.


Bright eye's full of fear
Hearts full of hate
Lungs full of smoke
Tears in theirs eyes


Pain is good.
Pain is great.
Pain is what keeps me awake.
Why does pain have to make me cry.


The sky smells sweet with new life.
The world smiles as the sun comes out
And melts away the winter grey.
Children laugh and children play

Two Towers

Black smoke rises the world stands still
shock and fear turns human will
hope is gone love is found
broken dreams without sound

Why Not

Why not be like the blind man
Who does not ever see
Who cannot judge someone for how they look
But for only how they act

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