Valsa George Poems

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What I Wish To Be

Let me be,
As God intended me to be:
Neither a wicked elf,
Nor a fairy godmother,

On The Sea Shore

In the warmth of a summer sunset
I sat idle on the sea shore
Looking at the grey enormity
That heaved and swelled in turn

A Rag Picker

Sometime after mid night, it had rained
Putting out summer’s sultry heat
The sky had its face washed clean
And wiped the grime off Earth’s soiled feet

Our Love

Our love is infinite as the sky
On love’s filmy wings we soar high
It has the might of a mountain
And the upward thrust of a fountain

Limerick - How Strange!

What's the name of your car, asked Michael
Forgot the name, it starts with ‘T', said Nichole
"What a strange car
Never heard of it so far.

In The Whirl Of Thoughts

as thoughts flew round
like thistle downs in the air,
there shot from him a suppressed sigh.

When Poetry Haunted Me

Sudden was the descent of poetry on me
I tottered under its weight
My body heated up like the sun
A frying egg yolk on the pan

'A Silent Night, A Holy Night'

The sun has set and the shadows fled
The feathered flocks, flown to their nest
Weary men after the day's toil and care
Are back home for sleep and rest

A Humming Bird In My Garden

Sudden, as a bolt from the blue,
Came down a humming bird;
Skimming down and darting up
As an ever revolving top.

Her Resolve

Ripples of pain weave circles round her
Memories sad and stark crucify her
At night she encounters mindless phantoms
Vampires who come to suck her blood

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