Valsa George Poems

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When the sun glowed warm with brighter sheen
The Earth that lay inert in drunken sleep
Woke up suddenly to greet the glorious dawn
Casting aside the blanket of fluffy wool

In Nature's Bosom

During my morning strolls along country paths
The world comes alive in all its gleam n’ glitter
What lovely vistas unfurl and pass me by
What miracles of creation, what wonders of life

To My Mother's Memory (The Drop Of A Feather)

The dawn broke, tearing the dark shroud of gloom,
And lights turned on to greet another day,
Life taking its new course all around,
but in this room, life coming to an end!

My Voyage

Leaving the sheltered confines of the past
I embarked on a voyage, fresh and new
With the present volume and its contents closed down
To open another and pore over its pages anew

Ominous Silence

Earth got suddenly denuded of all life
With a morose dullness so rife
A tint of grayness crept over heaven's vault
All movements came to a freezing halt

Swings Of Life

With the peak of spring in the month of May,
In the early hours of a pleasantly sunlit day,
Two kids sat cuddled on a swing,
Feeling as though they were taking on wing.

A Wild Flower

An unpretentious wild flower
Peeped out of the crannied stone ledge
A peach colored blossom
With bright yellow stamens around her navel

An Oldman's Prayer

I am a paling star to be washed out
In the dazzling brightness of the arriving dawn
As I look back to the prime days
I see them flying away in a flurry


When ‘I' die,
‘We' are born
And singular becomes plural
But when ‘plural' becomes ‘singular'

Limerick- Malapropism

The Science teacher told his eager class
Alas, I can't read without my eye glass
In rest room, left my testicles
(What he meant was ‘spectacles')

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