Valsa George Poems

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Limerick.23. Precaution

A naughty porcupine lives on a hill
He has sharp and piercing quill
Nobody pets him,
Nobody frets him,

The Old Man And His Dog

Out through the window of his lonely cottage
The old man vacantly gazed,
At the lazy curl of smoke from the chimneys
His eyes further wandered over to the dew dampened meadows

Give Me...

Give me new morns with splendid sunshine
and clear blue skies
Give me fresh air with sweet whisperings of breeze
Give me quiet days sans the bustle of hectic crowds


They come,
like hooded serpents from dark holes
with venom in their fangs
ready to snap at.

By The Sea Side

Staying by the sea, now at sunset
With the light slowly fading into greyness
And the waters lying quiet
A peace fills me as never before

Crows- Our Noisy Friends

Every day I wake to the cacophony
Of a murder of crows cawing on tree tops
They take to the skies in one and two,
As the sun emerges from behind the hills

Autumnal Collage

Autumn, like an Indian classical dancer, dressed up
Arrives with soft rhymes and quickening steps
She comes aglow, aglow with a rare beauty
Dancing to the bracelet's tinkling song

Marooned Mariner

Marooned in the island of loneliness
Shadows of delusion confront me
In a stormy sea, I got ship wrecked
And the sea has robbed everything from me

The Beaten Track

Lying in a trance on a rocking chair,
In the living room of my quiet home,
The buzzing sound of a fretful bee,
Woke me up from my pleasant reverie.


After several summers, we met again
In the still slumbering morning light
Looking at each other in dazed silence
With the delectable kick of an evanescent dream.

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