Valsa George Poems

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Limerick-86- A Whore Or A Wraith

There lived a woman so alone
Nothing about her was known
She stole away from sight
People saw her as blight

Morning Glory

The sun stealthily peeps from behind the hill
Tearing the black gown of the night
From his face golden rays spill
Brightening the Earth in dazzling light

A Desert Trek

Climbing up the steep n’ rocky paths
We were struck by the beauty of the mountains
With their towering summits
Kissing the seams of the heavens

Lone Traveller

I am now a lone traveller,
Roaming to find my filial roots.
Long begun this endless search,
From the days I started to think and feel.

The Deity

Her world collapsed all too sudden.
The ground she stood wobbled below.
Her dreams crashed down like pack of cards
Death robbed the man, she wed days before

Ruminations On Life

Is not our life a wave of energy coursing through us
Just like a flickering flame or a fleeting gleam
Which when stopped, like a weed scorched by the sun
Or a tree felled down by a merciless axe, we will lie

Haiku. Mountains (5-7-5)

A Tribute To My Dog

Here lies my dog, motionless in his kennel
unable to wag his tail as he always did.
Yesterday when I saw him, curling helpless on his mat
he still wagged his tail and from him arose

Five Liner. An Exhortation

Rise, Oh friends, rise into action!
No time to be wasted in procrastination
Nor for the ripe moment, in anticipation
As the tiny seconds that go 'tick-tock'

In The Sylvan Setting

There's nothing like the lovely rustic charm
Exuded by the far flung lush green country farm
Where trees in majesty sweep heaven with their crown
And birds, with celestial music, the surrounding valley drown

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