Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi Poems

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Difference Between Something And Nothing

I wander in the commercial market,
And have something in my coat’s pocket,
Splashy vehicles from the continent,
Cheap movers from the islands,

I Am A Warm Worm...

The intensity of this feeling,
Not same as the dribbling,
Over the food clothed with icing,
The strength of this feeling,

You Make Me Smile..Thanks.

I have no regrets,
Not keeping any secrets,
I am in laughter,
When I am alone in ponder,

The Knowledge Wins..

Belief, custom and rituals,
Essential parts of faith and devotion,
We believe in the principles,
Those may take us to high destination.

The Old Memory..

When I see through the window,
There are no birds around,
A few with the tinge of yellow,
Blue, green, white and black,

An Enemy Or A Friend..

When I fight for my rights,
I call myself as a patriot,
When you fight for your rights,
I call you as a terrorist.

The Machine Understands What We Speak...

Confused of this betrothal,
Since the wheel of asoka replaced the handcuff,
On the night, when the lions left,
Leaving the sheep to bleat,

The Strength Of A New Hope..

There is a new hope in every dawn,
Sorrow and failures dissolved and gone,
In every ray from the height, a kingdom,
Is quiet or noisy, full of expressive freedom,

The Islands

The corals on the sea bed,
Colorful, but visible as the shades,
The ups and downs of the stuff,
Not man made, but created,

The Morning Sun Ridicules..

The morning sun ridicules,
Showing all its toned muscles,
strips away the slimy sad moss,
spews of hope rays to all phases,

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