An Enemy Or A Friend.. Poem by Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi

An Enemy Or A Friend..

Rating: 5.0

When I fight for my rights,
I call myself as a patriot,
When you fight for your rights,
I call you as a terrorist.

When I kill thousands,
With the push of a button,
Traveling in the ported armors,
I am on a mission with full protective gear.

When you are the weapon,
You have nothing but irritation,
On the system that annihilates and refuses,
You are a terror, sacrificing your breath.

Our beliefs separate us,
For me to be the police,
And you to be the thief,
Let us play hide and seek.

This game will never end,
The weapon factories will starve,
We need the battle ground,
The ethnic groups are in clash.

Let us have the round table conference,
Where I shall speak what you think,
Georges wanted the head counts,
Clinton sought the peace and entertainment,
The share holders have waited for the interest,
The war between us will never cease to end,
Previously it was the land, now it is the fuel,
In future we don’t know what we need,
But I know the war between us will not end.

Spiritual Seeker 30 April 2013

Yes...leaders of nations are at cahout with weapon industrialist, to create war everywhere...peace is not in their mind. They sleep well...when others suffer and killed. Excellent write. A big 10.

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Chandra Thiagarajan 29 April 2013

However much we try, the war is to on for one reason or the other and will not end! Very true!

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