I want you to take care about me
I need you to be always thinking on me
I desire you to be everytime missing me
The way I Desire you

I raise prayers to the sky
feeling pity of myself
I request God for sanity and autoestimate
And dignity to letting go

I don't believe in distances
I don't believe in spaces
I don't believe in time
I don't believe in borders

You used to say
'Dreams never comes true'

One summer morning
I woke up with the dreams melted in my lap
The heat of the ire and the spite
had overheated the fire of the passion on me

Time is a double edge weapon
Hours with you seems seconds
Seconds without you seems hours
When we are togather the time is just scanty

You are now in this special point
where you know that you must cut
from root this relationship
cause he is just hurting you a lot

I was more than strong
I was more than smart
I was more than a lover
I was more than myself

I think that the noise of your thoughts
don't let you sleep.

Life is a whole mystery
it drives you to learn
Unbelievable things
in undescriptible ways


Y mientras bajo la mesa
de ti yo aparto mi rodilla
tu la persigues sin piedad,
conectando nuestros cuerpos

Reflejos de amor
derritiéndose en mis sentidos
lluvia de sabores,

Deslizo mis ojos
por el contorno de tu piel
voy inhalando de cada poro
la dulce escencia de tu ser

I wish I could ask forgiveness
For what I haven't done yet
I don't know how I can do
To solve what I haven't destroy yet

Una mañana de verano

desperté con los sueños derritiéndose en mi regazo

When you said: I Love you!
you mean that you want me to believe
that you are my owner,


Just a girl who put some feelings into words. Made in Venezuela! .)

The Best Poem Of VILMA XELIN

A Single Word That Means Everything For Me

I want you to take care about me
I need you to be always thinking on me
I desire you to be everytime missing me
The way I Desire you
The way I need you
The way I want you...

I want you to show me
How you feel about me?
I need you to tell me
everything thats is happening inside yourself
I desire you to share with me
your whole life and more
The way I show you my feelings
The way I give you my thoughts
The way I desire to be with you

Cause everything I am
Could be resumed in a single word:


Ashraful Musaddeq 15 August 2008

This poem blooms in the deep of feeling in a touchy manner.

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Ashraful Musaddeq 15 August 2008

This poem touches inside!

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