Warren Falcon Poems

Hit Title Date Added
When Is The Done - Wha'-Ku Conceits

'...to break through the seductive constellations of human ordering...'
- michael heller


Bodhi is not a tree;
There is no shining mirror.
Since All begins with Nothing
Where can dust collect?


'But if it ends
the start is begun' - William Carlos Williams *1

'a first unfallen church it might have been.' - Nathaniel Mackey *2

The Smarter Cat - Postmodern Theology Most
Scatalogical Without Apology To Christopher Smart

For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry.

Epitaph For A Spider

bidden, it bore

not a grave
but a door

Fragility Of The Web Infused

'You point—they say—you lead lost children' - Louis Zukofsky *1

the fragility of the web

Some Real Troubles Come Only In Sleep

Some real troubles come only in sleep.
Why should one be exempt?

Great Seamstress of Space


'But if it ends / the start is begun' - William Carlos Williams

Here scattered is he at last soundless.

Full Title of the poem is:

I Once Your Other Darkness - Conjectures About William Hawkins Painting Of A Horse, An Echo of Caravaggio's Painting Of A God-Horse, And Gerard Manley Hopkins Haunting The Text

'... that any coherent understanding of what language is and how language performs, that any coherent account of the capacity of human speech to communicate meaning and feeling is, in the final analysis, underwritten by the assumption of God's presence. I will put forward the argument that the experience of aesthetic meaning in particular, that of literature, of the arts, of musical form, infers the necessary possibility of this 'real presence'... the seeming paradox of its] 'necessary possibility'... when we come face to face with a text and work of art or music which is to say when we encounter the 'other' in its condition of freedom, [it] is a wager on transcendence... a wager on God.' — George Steiner, from Real Presences p.3


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