William Butler Yeats Poems

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Her Praise

SHE is foremost of those that I would hear praised.
I have gone about the house, gone up and down
As a man does who has published a new book,
Or a young girl dressed out in her new gown,

He Tells Of A Valley Full Of Lovers

I DREAMED that I stood in a valley, and amid sighs,
For happy lovers passed two by two where I stood;
And I dreamed my lost love came stealthily out of the wood
With her cloud-pale eyelids falling on dream-dimmed eyes:

Solomon To Sheba

SANG Solomon to Sheba,
And kissed her dusky face,
'All day long from mid-day
We have talked in the one place,

DO you not hear me calling, white deer with no horns?
I have been changed to a hound with one red ear;
I have been in the Path of Stones and the Wood of Thorns,
For somebody hid hatred and hope and desire and fear
Under my feet that they follow you night and day.

On A Political Prisoner

SHE that but little patience knew,
From childhood on, had now so much
A grey gull lost its fear and flew
Down to her cell and there alit,

Maid Quiet

WHERE has Maid Quiet gone to,
Nodding her russet hood?
The winds that awakened the stars
Are blowing through my blood.


LOCKE sank into a swoon;
The Garden died;
God took the spinning-jenny
Out of his side.

The Black Tower

SAY that the men of the old black tower,
Though they but feed as the goatherd feeds,
Their money spent, their wine gone sour,
Lack nothing that a soldier needs,

Running To Paradise

As I came over Windy Gap
They threw a halfpenny into my cap.
For I am running to paradise;

To A Young Girl

MY dear, my dear, I know
More than another
What makes your heart beat so;
Not even your own mother

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