William F Glennon Poems

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Selfish Love

Make up your mind take me or leave me.
Don't deny this deception I see.

The Selfish fight for tomorrow

Punished By Memories.

Friendship is a word undefined.
When friendship becomes apathy you wonder why?
It's funny when friendships change.
When honesty and love become estranged.

Irish Curse

The bottle is the Irish cancer.
To escape this precedent, we all need to seek the answer.

The nearer the bottle the vision becomes clearer.

Marfan Syndrome

Maybe the heart's defective on the inside.
You feel your swimming against the tide.

Perhaps you look different from others in the mirror.

The Silence (Stroke)

The Words are easy to find in your mind.
It's the speech that leaves you far behind.

The silence becomes loud and clear.

The Way I Loved Was Not The Way I Was Loved

Searching for something I thought I found.
Was it you who found me or did I find you?

I'm searched high and low for an answer in my heart.


The world is full of color and strife.
Is this what is taught in life?

What drove America to it, to persecute
by race, to judge another

Losing My Mind

Am I losing my mind
or just wasting time?

Bring me the intact mind that once was.

Dead End

No one seemed to care or notice we were there.
Never wanting people to see the pain we share.

The nights shattered by helpless pleading


The Morning rain hides the sunshine.
My thoughts of you go through my mind.

Dreams have no endings, the hearts

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