Wyndon Villafuerte Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Japanese Haiku 28

海 岸 で
砂 で ふ ざ け る
子 供 か な

Japanese Haiku 29

ヤ シ ガ ニ や
隙 間 か ら 出 る
日 暮 れ か な

I Still Miss You So

In this night, not able to sleep
I still miss you so
I'm waist high in thought deep 
I still miss you so 


All those chances that I missed
All those times I could've kissed
I was so foolish and naïve
All those times I couldn't achieve

Confession Of A Sinner

This guilt I feel, must not reveal
To the world, I shall conceal;
But to thee, whom I can trust;
Confide in thee, O Lord, I must;

The Angel Whom I Can't Forget

No matter how hard I try to forget,
I know it won't work out, but I let 
My feelings for you get the best of me
I want to be put out of my misery

A Poet's Dilemma

Can't seem to enjoy the things I do
And yet I continue to write verses for you
I write, and I write, and write till the pain goes away
Going to write long enough till I see you someday

Japanese Haiku 19

楓 の 葉
風 に 震 え る
秋 日 和

Japanese Haiku 20

中 途 で も
始 め た ば か り
雪 道 に

Japanese Haiku 21

夏 の 夜 や
地 平 の 向 こ う
夕 日 か な

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