Dannais dde Daneann

Dannais dde Daneann Poems

On the ground,
Topsy-turvy fallen leaves, sweeping wind.
In the crowd,
Our eyes met, accidentally seemed...

So fun!
There passing by a stranger,
He looks like shadow ranger.
So fun!

Around all start shining full of bright ray
And all water streams is beginning to sing.
And all life becomes living with laws of spring
Now the love, you can’t leave,

At the night noon
Shining the moon,
Trunks of the trees covered by moss...
Forest is lone

Where Will Be My Departure Place?
Amongst the fields? Amongst the bays?
For what the Dome of Fate still stays,
Close to these dark and worthless days?

Why dost Thou build the Dome in gleam,
The Son of winged and windy Days?
Dost Thou believe in false, in dream,
And wast in want Thou quiet place?

Through midnight dumb, and branches dense.
Myriad of stars I see and sense.
I hear my heart's the dreamless voice.
Should make I now the painful choice.

Lanterns dropping yellow tears,
Rain is sprinkling from above.
And I whisper, whisper: “Please,
Could You verse Your tender love! ..”

All’ be gone, be gone forever,
Nothing will be back returned,

When I met you, all former feelings
In my dead heart became alive.
My soul has gained undreamed-of healings
It wants the golden time revive.

Already winked at you at station
The green-eyed hasty traffic light
And ready start the conversation
The wagon wheels in dead of night.

Good bye, my Abbey dear and good,
Good bye, Thou ancient dome!
There where the knights of Brotherhood
Kept their kind-hearted home.

The centuries passing on the Earth,
And let them pass - we don't mind.
These thoughts have never broken breath.
And trace of them cannot be find!

Blue lanterns stay along the lane.
They drop their bleak and lonesome light.
And by the snow and by the rain
I strive for you with all my might...

I grew up, but what the matter? !
Now I want a younger be.
Disbelief in age is better.
Why is youth departing me?

Happiness is when a friend,
Meeting a friend by an accident,
Like in the darkness so blind,
Shining the star, he would find.

The night, the moon, and clouds in the sky,

My distant home is bright but not a truly high.

Dannais dde Daneann Biography

Dannais dde Daneann - poet, lyricist, writer, creative person, conlanger, paleolinguist, mythologist, philosopher, dreamer/romantic, traveler, clip maker, photographer, painter/illustrator, singer, vintage collector, milliner/hatter, stylist, amateur fashion model, supporter of a healthy lifestyle/nutrition & of eco-friendly old fashion, just a pretty girl (who believes that her beauty shall save the world) & many more... Dannais is recognized in Marquis Who's Who since 2012 as a lyrics writer. In 2012-2014 she was member of International Guild of Writers. She have printed & digital publications (of my poems/illustrations) in Almanacs & literary magazines. Also Dannais gave few interviews to Internet News Platforms.)

The Best Poem Of Dannais dde Daneann

All Scheduled Trains To Leave The Station Going

On the ground,
Topsy-turvy fallen leaves, sweeping wind.
In the crowd,
Our eyes met, accidentally seemed...
Don't know, don't know who are you and what's your name.
Trains to carry us away, sides to different not the same!

All scheduled trains to leave the station going,
And carry people where their hearts have never lain.
Each other, we will lose without knowing;
Each other, we'll if happens never meet again.

Not forget you
Face your, eyes your, in no way, no way I,
Will not meet you
But the love will not ever die...
Let gets lost, let gets lost your forever trace,
I believe in lucky meet, destiny embrace...

All scheduled trains to leave the station going,
And carry people where their hearts have never lain.
Each other, we will lose without knowing;
Each other, we'll if happens never meet again.

Dannais dde Daneann Comments

That's very nice poem.

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xenia 10 June 2022

hoping we will make contact with my real address

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