Yehoshua Shim'onai

Yehoshua Shim'onai Poems

Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
The enemy's already trampled on
And triumphantly doomed to destruction.

'Di sa tayo'ng umibig
'Di tayo'ng nag-alay -
Una'ng Dios sa pag-ibig,
Buhay n'ya'y kanyang bigay!

Where have you gotten your timeless love?
Where’s the source of your love which’s true?
Where does it descend from like a dove
And spring from which’s like water so blue?

My Lord is a man of war
and the Giver of peace
For He made war to deliver me
from evil

O Lord of the Highest, search upon the depths of our hearts
And reveal all the foolishness of our own ways
Show us the senselessness and arrogance in us
And may our hearts be broken before you.

In Your presence, Lord,
I can't lift my heart,
and my soul's humble
before Your glory;

A love for the self
is that which hath brought
condemnation unto men;

Once a pastor became bitter with God,
And had stumbled in his faith with the Lord
For ev’rything in the sky fell in him
And evry’thing seems so heavy for him.

Come with me, my love, my spouse; come with me;
Come with me to our chamber so that we
May fill it with love and intimacy
And enrich it with our sweet company.

This is not my end
-this is my eternity;
This is not my loss
but my gain in the Lord;

From loftiness one becomes lowly
. and from lowliness one becomes lofty.
Consider the highest of the peaks;
. it has nothing but rocks and snow only.

Hindi sa kalakasan
Ni sa kapangyarihan
Kundi sa Espiritu
Ng Dios ng kabanalan.

Cowardly is he who knows the reality
and tries to escape from it.

Careless is he who knows the reality

Gaano man kahirap
Sa pagsubok humarap,
Gaano man katuso
Bumayubay ang diablo -

Once I saw myself sitting on my castle‘s throne -
In my heart's realm, lording over my life alone -
Reigned in a kingdom which's only a n illusion,

Araw ma'y nagtatagal,
Lahat ma'y tila pigil,
Sabi ni Yahweh'y pinal -
Husgang 'di mapipigil!

Buhay ang pag-asa ko
Pagkat nabubuhay si Cristo
Hindi na mamamatay
Sa Kanyang muling pagkabuhay

Ani ohev otcha, O Adonai;
. yes, I want to love You, my Creator!
I want to fall for You, O El Shaddai
. and to fall in love with You, my Savior!

Yehoshua Shim'onai Biography

Yehoshua Hammoshil ben Peleh Shim'onai, Ishel Eved'Yah (literally, Poet/Parabler Joshua Son of Felipe Jimenez, Man of God [and] Servant of the LORD; real name Phillip Joshua Kalata Jimenez) , after his transformation by the grace of God from being a diss track rapper, is a Christian poet currently serving as a Sunday school teacher at Word of Hope Christian Family Church. He has also been an undergound recording gospel rapper after recording his first Christian rap track entitled 'Official Statement' under Free Mind Music. He chose the name Ishel Eved'Yah (Heb. 'Man of God, Servant of the LORD') as his stage name. Unlike the other poems having rhyme and meter as their significant features, the poems of Yehoshua Shim'onai have different set of significant features, namely: 1. Parallelism - the most important element of Shim'onai's poems, which is a common literary feature of Hebrew poetry. It refers to the balance between two or more lines or stanzas, whether synonymous (similarity in thought) , antithetic (opposing thoughts) , or synthetic (completion of thought) . 2. Literary Beauty - a significant element of poetry that must be present in all poems. A poem must show an artistic impression by using imagery, figures of speech and symbolism. 3. Scriptural Inspiration - Shim'onai's poems are products of his understanding about the Scriptures. Though some of his poems have rhymes and regular meter, Shim'onai only considers these features as 'additives' to his poems due to his high regard to parallelism.)

The Best Poem Of Yehoshua Shim'onai

*tetelestai! (It Is Finished!)

Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
The enemy's already trampled on
And triumphantly doomed to destruction.

Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
Fully paid are our debts and transgressions
To us is complete justification.

Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
Our wounds are already healed by the Son
And in His name, our sicknesses are gone.

Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
All our chains He has broken and brought down
And our bondages He has made undone.

Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
For eternity in heaven's been won
And granted for us is the salvation!

*A Greek word which means 'It is Finished/Fully Paid/Fulfilled/Completed/Done'

Yehoshua Shim'onai Comments

Prabir Gayen 26 July 2020

Very talented poet......God ahead....God bless..//

0 1 Reply

Yehoshua Shim'onai Quotes

Love is the very basic law of Christianity just as self-centeredness is the very basic law of anti-Christianity.

No color, position, or activity can make a man more than a man. He is just a man; nothing more.

How can the human mind know the exact measure of the infinity?

Enjoy life like the children. Think wise like the old.

What right do we have to complain when Christ never complained at all?

No, I don't say the F-word. I'm a crowned prince and a crowned prince don't speak the language of mongrels.

Grace isn't a liberation that licenses us to sin; rather, it's a favor that helps us to say no to sin.

Who said CHH can't make love songs? CHH is all about love and its Author, homies!

Give me a thousand reasons to hate you and I will remind myself a thousand times about that one reason why I love you.

I don't look at a Christian by his theology. I look at him by how Christ has changed him from the inside out. I may not fully agree with his theology, but I will love him because he is my brother.

... after hearing the sermon, I broke down and wept in shame as I realized how I repaid the greatness of God's goodness and love upon me with my selfish and wicked ways. What's even worse is that I hadn't been as grateful as I should be after all the good things that He has done for me.

... to deprive an unborn baby the right to live is to counteract God's work. To counteract God's work is to rebel against His authority.

... changes are necessary, as long as they are for the better. But the problem is that this world is not changing for the better; it's changing for the worse.

... we should also remember that our job, like Jesus', is not to convince people but to do 'the will of the One Who sent' us. For we are not to receive honor from people but from God.

Christianity isn't even about survival of the so-called 'fittest.' Rather, it's all about survival of the meekest.

We are not priced by how good we look. We are priced by how much do we mean to our Redeemer when He gave His life for us.

I say what people need to hear, not what they want to hear. I don't sugarcoat the truth.

I can take the pain of your absence. I'm soldier and I've been used to being hurt. Even so, it will hurt me.

If being kind is better than being right, we should stop jailing criminals.

That 'I Love Haters' slogan? Well, yeah, I love haters, but I just don't stand with them in their hatred.

Salvation is just the start of a true Christian life, not the pursuit of it.

Poverty isn't the very source of crime. The humanity's sinful, depraved, and fallen nature is.

My silence doesn't always mean I don't care. As a matter of fact, my silence usually means I care enough to listen.

The Christian life is by grace in the beginning (salvation) , by grace on the process (sanctification) , and by grace at the end (perfection) .

Selfishness is the core value of Satanism. Got selfishness? If yes, I have to warn you: that's some millions of fathoms down from heaven.

It's the real faith to the real Lord that really matters.

Politics isn't the problem. Bad governance is. Because whether you like or not, Jesus will one day become the humanity's Sovereign Politician.

Facing the cost of following Christ? Congratulations! Jesus promised that your heavenly reward will be great!

Stop being like Gideon, asking for signs for lack of faith. Rather, be like Joshua, meditating on God's word daily in order to know His will.

You can't say you have faith in God w/o having faith in His word. That just doesn't work that way.

I'm not a judge. I'm a witness to the truth. So when I'm telling you the truth, I'm not judging you. I'm just... uhm, telling you the truth.

Don't just be a Jesus-speaking rapper; be a Jesus-GLORIFYING rapper. Let Christ be honored in your art, not just spoken about.

When you turn to Jesus, you turn from sin. When you turn to sin, you turn from Jesus. Simple as that.

Why can't we trust the consistently proven God? Is it just because we can't see Him? Or is it just because we don't want Him?

The poetry that I create is a joyful noise that comes out of a slumberous silence.

All it takes is a reminder about God's sovereignty to realize that you don't have to worry about anything at all.

Love breeds life and hate breeds death. Therefore, if sin is still thriving well in your heart, that means you're loving it. If you still love it, then you are despising God. But if the love of Christ has so taken you, you will hate it and it will eventually die.

God had graced (or favored) Mary to bear the Savior probably for the same reason that He had graced Noah to be the one through whom He would preserve the whole human race, Abraham to be the one through whom He would bless the nations, and Moses to be the one through whom He would deliver Israel out of Egypt. That's just how grace works.

I'm not proud of winning an argument. Truth is, I mostly hate it because it usually means I've lost in another battle with my pride.

As I was looking back to the days when I was still an unforgiving hater, I realized an irony: As I was intending to hurt the ones that I was resentful of, I was unintentionally hurting the ones that I love with my bitterness.

Ironically, what most of us call the 'hard' way will actually make things light while what most of us call the 'easy' way will make things too burdensome to bear.

Sacrifice is easier than obedience but obedience is better than sacrifice.

The philosophies of men... have their limitations and dangers, given the fact that man's nature is corrupted with sin.

A true servant of God gets honor from God Himself, not from winning arguments.

If many politicians became rich to make us poor, the King of kings became poor to make us rich.

Yes, the Arabic word 'Islam' means peace. But the problem is, reality shows that so many of its followers are not living up to the acclaimed meaning of their religion. Moreover, history shows that its founder and his successors did likewise.

It is true that God wants me to speak truth at all times, but as His son, He wants me to be like Him in His gracious truthfulness.

Always couple grace with truth. Not everything that is acceptable to man is acceptable to God.

If the grace you're talking about is not motivating you to turn from sin, that's not the ‪real grace that comes only from God.

Always couple grace with truth and truth with grace.

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