Yoni Assis

Yoni Assis Poems

Electric urban night
En route to the site
Every detail just right
I'm smooth like that

There they go
Look at the show
Climbing into the heavens
All lucky sevens

Man: Anna, do you love me?

Woman: Je ne sais pas

I sit in the park, waiting
Patience slowly fading
Nerves start grating
Almost begin praying

Darling, do you remember that year's autumn leaves?
Perhaps it was your aura, but they were the prettiest and keenest I've ever seen
Strolling through the park, hand in hand, the foliage crunched lightly under our feet
Such a simple, yet transcendent, treat

This is our maiden voyage
A journey to the stars
You, I and the vast ocean blue
Forecast: smooth sailing as far as the eye can see

That girl, she loves my jazz

Eyes closed, she twirls

My dear chap, what a pleasure to see you again!
Sit down, sit down, make yourself comfortable
Some sherry?
I still have those cigars you liked so...

O, where is she?

I’ve waited years

She's the first thing I see when I wake

She's the last thing I see when I go to sleep

Woman: Mark, do you love me?

Man: Define ‘love'

Poor little rich girl
Life was a whirl
One giant swirl
Continuous twirl

Lying in bed, tossing and turning
A sudden knot in your chest alters your breathing
Body permeates with an all-too-familiar burning
Much ado about nothing, your “learning”

I told her my new nickname for her would be Peaches

She kindly told me to shove it

Oh, girl, don't lie
No point even tryin'
You're not fooling anyone, especially me
Ms. Sad Eyes


That's me
Like no other
Meant to be

Lullaby blues
Baby needs new shoes
Credit card company sues
Wondering if what the doc said is true

The girl was bad news
The kind that gives men the blues
The type that really turns the screws
Body of Aphrodite

By hook or by crook
That’s how I took
The heavens were shook
Just by my look

The Best Poem Of Yoni Assis

Smooth Like That

Electric urban night
En route to the site
Every detail just right
I'm smooth like that

Smoky haze
Still I meet her gaze
I advance, unfazed
I'm smooth like that

I sidle up
Throw a witty remark
Hitting the mark, igniting a spark
I'm smooth like that

Our friends disperse
Leaving us immersed
I catch her tumbling purse
I'm smooth like that

"Seeing anyone? "
"No, " she replies, "still looking for The One."
"Ain't it tough in this town? "
I'm smooth like that

Crowded bar
Counter too far
I navigate through like a star
I'm smooth like that

Hand her her drink
Some concoction in pink
I tease her and wink
I'm smooth like that

Getting bolder
I playfully touch her shoulder
She begins to smolder
I'm smooth like that

Now's my chance
I pull her to dance
She's soon in a trance
I'm smooth like that

I walk her home
A stone's throw from the Dome
On the spot I conjure a poem
I'm smooth like that

Invited in
Tempted to sin
Yet thoughts spin
Is this really a win?

I politely refuse
Not right with all that booze
But don't sing the blues
"How ‘bout lunch tomorrow at two? "
She knows I'm smooth like that

Yoni Assis Comments

Lauren Sydney 21 January 2016

flooded with emotions after reading thru your array of beautiful, heartfelt, witty, humorous prose. Write more for us YA! 💗

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Jennifer Whitney 02 June 2010

A great writer who is both creative, and honest.

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