Yor Nella Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Creative Wife

You are very creative and artistic too.
Life is exciting and full of colour to you.
Expert at using a roller for brayering.
Superb at building a picture by layering.

To My Mum On Mother's Day

I was conceived within your womb
kept safe within that cosy room.
You held me firm in your embrace
when to this world I showed my face.

Unforgivable Forgetfulness

The card has been written and the poem's complete.
All was ready for my wife so loving and sweet.
But this silly old man with so little to pack
Left the card behind and it's too late to go back.

Be Thou Mine As I Am Thine

Be thou mine as I am thine
Let our love forever shine
and the beauty of your face
in my heart shall take its place

My Nest Is Empty, My Fledglings Have Flown

Like little chicks they hid under my wing
and together we used to dance and sing.
It was such fun encouraging them to grow
but the sad day came when they had to go.

Many Waters Will Not Quench My Love

Many waters will never quench my love
neither will the floods of life overcome it.
From all adversities it will rise above
and all other loves will succumb to it.

I Was Fifteen When My Heart Was First Smitten

My Poems Were Trapped Until.......

My poems were trapped with their wings tightly curled
until PoemHunter freed them up to fly the world.
Now in cyberspace they can take their place.
to be read and seen on the world wide screen.

Happy Mothers' Day

You nursed me carefully in your womb
keeping me warm in that intimate room.
Then you brought me safely into this world
loving me so much as my life unfurled.

Cater And Allen

Cater and Allen were not paying interest
So transferring the money to Lloyds Rob thought best
But now £100 by mistake to Roy's great disgrace
Has been accidently sent into hyperspace.

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