Yunus Emre

Yunus Emre Poems

Cana cefa kıl ya vefa
Kahrın da hoş, lutfun da hoş,
Ya derd gönder ya deva,
Kahrında hoş, lutfun da hoş.

Let's say the name of Allah all the time.
Let's see what my Lord does.
Let's travel the Way always.
Let's see what my Lord does.

Şol Cennetin ırmakları
Akar Allah deyu deyu.
Çıkmış İslam bülbülleri
Öter Allah deyu deyu.

Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge:
Knowledge means to know yourself, heart and soul.
If you have failed to understand yourself,

If I told you about a land of love,
friend, would you follow me and come?
In that land are vineyards

My fleeting life has come and gone
A wind that blows and passes by.
I feel it has been all too brief,
Just like the blinking of an eye.

If you break a true believer's heart once,
It's no prayer to God-this obeisance,
All of the world's seventy-two nations

I haven't come here to settle down.
I've come here to depart.
I am a merchant with lots of goods,
selling to whoever will buy.

Aşk erinin gönlü dolu,
Pâdişahtan nevâledir.
Aşksız adem nic’anlasın,
Çün şeriat havâledir.

İlim İlim Bilmektir
İlim Kendin Bilmektir
Sen Kendini Bilmezsin
Ya Nice Okumaktır..

Yusuf; u kaybettim Kenan ilinde
Yusuf bulunur, Kenan bulunmaz

Let the deaf listen to the mute.
A soul is needed to understand them both.

Dervişlik dedikleri
Hırka ile taç değil
Gönlün derviş eyleyen
Hırkaya muhtaç değil

N’eylersin ey gafil dünya malını
Yiyeceğin hiç fikrine düşmez mi
Bin yıl ömür sürsen bir gün ölürsün
Öleceğin hiç fikrine düşmez mi

We entered the house of realization,
we witnessed the body.

Aklım başıma gelmedi, aşk şarabın tatmayınca.
Ben kendimi bilemedim, gerçek ere yetmeyince.

Kendini bilmeyen kişi hiç erişir mi menzile?

O God, if you would ever question me,
This would be my outright answer to Thee:

True, I sinned-brutalised my own being,
But what Have I done a ...

If I rub my face on the ground,
My new moon would rise in the skies,
Winter and summer become spring.
To me all days are holidays.

İşidin ey yarenler aşk bir güneşe benzer
Aşık olmayan gönül misal-i taşa benzer

Miskinlikte buldular kimde erlik var ise
Merdivenden ittiler yüksekten bakar ise

Yunus Emre Biography

Yunus Emre (1240?–1321?) was a Turkish poet and Sufi mystic. He has exercised immense influence on Turkish literature, from his own day until the present. Because Yunus Emre is, after Ahmet Yesevi and Sultan Veled, one of the first known Turkish poets to have composed works in the spoken Turkish of his own age and region rather than in Persian or Arabic, his diction remains very close to the popular speech of his contemporaries in Central and Western Anatolia. This is also the language of a number of anonymous folk-poets, folk-songs, fairy tales, riddles (tekerlemeler), and proverbs. Like the Oghuz language Book of Dede Korkut, an older and anonymous Central Asian epic, the Turkish folklore that inspired Yunus Emre in his occasional use of tekerlemeler as a poetic device had been handed down orally to him and his contemporaries. This strictly oral tradition continued for a long while. Following the Mongolian invasion of Anatolia facilitated by the Seljuk Turkish defeat at the 1243 Karaman, Islamic mystic literature thrived in Anatolia, and Yunus Emre became one of its most distinguished poets. Poems of Sultan Yunu Emre — despite being fairly simple on the surface — evidence his skill in describing quite abstruse mystical concepts in a clear way. He remains a popular figure in a number of countries, stretching from Azerbaijan to the Balkans, with seven different and widely dispersed localities disputing the privilege of having his tomb within their boundaries. His poems, written in the tradition of Anatolian folk poetry, mainly concern divine love as well as human destiny)

The Best Poem Of Yunus Emre

Kahrinda Hos Lütfunda Hos..

Cana cefa kıl ya vefa
Kahrın da hoş, lutfun da hoş,
Ya derd gönder ya deva,
Kahrında hoş, lutfun da hoş.

Hoştur bana senden gelen:
Ya hilat-ü yahut kefen,
Ya taze gül, yahut diken..
Kahrında hoş lutfun da hoş.

Gelse celalinden cefa
Yahut cemalinden vefa,
İkiside cana safa:
Kahrın da hoş, lutfun da hoş.

Ger bağ-u ger bostan ola.
Ger bendü ger zindan ola,
Ger vasl-ü ger hicran ola,
Kahrın da hoş, lutfun da hoş.

Ey padişah-ı Lemyezel!
Zat-ı ebed, hayy-ı ezel!
Ey lutfu bol, kahrı güzel!
Kahrında hoş, lutfun da hoş.

Ağlatırsın zari zari,
Verirsen cennet-ü huri,
Layık görür isen nari,
Kahrında hoş, lutfun da hoş.

Gerek ağlat, gerek güldür,
Gerek yaşat gerek öldür,
Aşık Yunus sana kuldur,
Kahrında hoş, lutfun da hoş.

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