Zvinodaishe Kusangaya

Zvinodaishe Kusangaya Poems


Will you be there the day they lower me into the ground?
Will you be as dark and gloomy as your little black dress?
Will you shed enough tears to flood the deepest of oceans?
Will you truly wish in your heart that I finally Rest In Peace?

Lights Out

The darkness creeped on him like a disease,
Futility had now become his middle name,

What is true beauty?
It's the tiny little raindrops on the rose petals.
I smell red roses on the soft summer's breeze,
Little raindrops and Flowers in your golden hair.


Empty, like a blessing made to a nonexistent god,
Hopeless like a man who knows not his purpose.

The Best Poem Of Zvinodaishe Kusangaya


Will you be there the day they lower me into the ground?
Will you be as dark and gloomy as your little black dress?
Will you shed enough tears to flood the deepest of oceans?
Will you truly wish in your heart that I finally Rest In Peace?

Will you sit among the masses and mourn my death too?
Will you light a candle for my flame that once burnt bright?
Will your heart be lowered with me into the cold wet dirt?
Will my last breath shatter you into a million little pieces?

When the day comes for your end I won't shed a tear,
When all that you were is no more I won't sing you a song.
When he has cut you up and torn you down I'll wait,
Wait to put flowers on your grave out of pure courtesy.

When the music of broken bones fills my ears I'll dance a little,
Dance to the tune of the death of one so young and talented.
When his horrified screams die down I'll whistle my tune,
Whistle a tune of why he should have never hurt you.

When all that you had is dead and laid down before me I'll laugh,
I'll laugh the shrill incessant sound of the madman that I am.
'Rest In Damned Peace.' I'll say to the body of your love,
'May the fires of Hell burn you and all your bloody memories.'

What will you say when they ask you why you have come?
What will your answer be when they ask you who you are?
Will you tell them of who you once were and aren't anymore?
Or will you tell them of the murderer that happily slit my throat?

Will you ask me to come help you as he digs your grave?
Will you beg me to pick up the pieces after he's broken you?
Will I have to be your Superman though you didn't save me?
Will I have to fly in and rescue you though you're my Kryptonite?

Three simple letters for a lifetime of hurt and misunderstanding,
Three simple letters that will give solace and lay it all to rest.
When they write R.I.P on the headstone and death begins,
Will you finally end or will you lay beside me in my velvet Casket?

Tell me, will you do cartwheels and somersaults on my grave?
Don't lie, will you do handstands and forward rolls on that dirt?
Is it freedom? Will you finally be rid of the thorn in your side?
Is it salvation? Will the devil on your back be laid to rest forever?

Three Simple Letters that you have sought time and time again,
Three Simple Letters that I gave my heart to try save you from.
It's those Three Simple Letters that you left me here with alone,
Three Simple Letters; 'R.I.P', you stenciled neatly on my gravestone.

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