The Old Pond

Following are several translations
of the 'Old Pond' poem, which may be
the most famous of all haiku:

Furuike ya
kawazu tobikomu
mizu no oto

- Basho

Haiku (Birds Singing...)

Birds singing
in the dark
—Rainy dawn.


Today I pass the time reading
a favorite haiku,
saying the few words over and over.

It feels like eating
the same small, perfect grape
again and again.

I walk through the house reciting it
and leave its letters falling

Haiku (The Taste...)

The taste
of rain
—Why kneel?

Haiku (The Low Yellow...)

The low yellow
moon above the
Quiet lamplit house.

Distressed Haiku

In a week or ten days
the snow and ice
will melt from Cemetery Road.

I'm coming! Don't move!

Once again it is April.
Today is the day
we would have been married
twenty-six years.

Haiku (Never Published)

Drinking my tea
Without sugar-
No difference.

The sparrow shits
upside down
--ah! my brain & eggs

Mayan head in a
Pacific driftwood bole

Haiku Ambulance

A piece of green pepper
off the wooden salad bowl:
so what?

06. Haiku - Alone

his childhood
warms him up

he warms up to
his childhood


Wildflowers - Haiku

They carpet the hills
Line the long winding roadways
Rainbows on the ground.

Copyright 2023, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved

What We Need (Haiku)

We need real love
To establish real peace
Springs from real love.

Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 10/5/2016

The Soldier (Memorial Day Memorial Day Memorial Day)

Fighting for freedom,
Fall of a valiant soldier
Resting in the Lord

(Dedicated to my children's grandfather)

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Butterfly Goes To School(Haiku Sequence)

Butterfly in class
learns lessons along with kids.
Excellent student.


Butterfly in class
chats & flits around her head
reading her haiku.

# A Taste Of Life-Haiku

Salt of tears on lips
Astringent on spirit,
Heart- bitter sweet…

Impending Darkness - Haiku

The extreme storm waves
Aim to sweep the running clouds
And the lone sparrow.

Copyright 2022, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved

The Rainbow (Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku)

after summer's rain
God's promise is remembered
glorious rainbow

(Gen 9: 8-17)

! Baby Haiku

A human blossom
Blooming with the breath of life -
Totally awesome

Mother sleeps in peace
Weary from the long ordeal -
All her worries cease

Father holds his son
Tears of pride now overflow -

A Mysterious Neighbour

Sprightly and very much alive
For someone seventy-five
Wearing her trade mark sunglasses
To hide any trace of wrinkles
Are these accessories
Armour to preserve
Her ever youthful image?
Every gesture
Is carefully choreographed
To leave behind an aura of mystery

' Eclipse [ Haiku ] '

the moon and the sun

hide behind the curtain sky

to kiss each other

Football (Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku Haiku)

Like medieval knights
Armor clad, in fields battle
To reap victory