Ode To The Book

When I close a book
I open life.
I hear
faltering cries
among harbours.
Copper ignots
slide down sand-pits
to Tocopilla.
Night time.
Among the islands

A Child’s Mind

The world is wide with wonder
For everything is new
A child’s mind is like a sponge
Or like a flower sipping morning dew

I love to watch them question
Every single thing
You never know what is next
And what each day will bring

Seasonal Cycle - Chapter 01 - Summer

'Oh, dear, this utterly sweltering season of the highly rampant sun is drawing nigh, and it will always be good enough to go on taking daytime baths, as the lakes and rivers will still be with plenteous waters, and at the end of the day, nightfall will be pleasant with fascinating moon, and in such nights Love-god can somehow be almost mollified...[who tortured us in the previous vernal season... but now without His sweltering us, we can happily enjoy the nights devouring cool soft drinks and dancing and merrymaking in outfields...]

High Flyer

They were 'Proctors' and 'Jackaroos' in those days.
Single wing aeroplanes,
two and four seaters,
either open engines, or open under your seat.

Exciting for a seventeen year old.

I went up with the commercial pilots,
logging up their flying hours.

! ! Love's Grammar Book

I love you.

That's it, really.
all there is to say.
sums it up.
in a nutshell.
the long and the short of it.
the be-all and the end-all.
I know what I mean;
you know what I mean.

Baseball And Writing

Fanaticism?No.Writing is exciting
and baseball is like writing.
You can never tell with either
how it will go
or what you will do;
generating excitement--
a fever in the victim--
pitcher, catcher, fielder, batter.
Victim in what category?
Owlman watching from the press box?

No Other Woman Like You

Your fragrance
Your silence
Your way of gazing at me
Your kisses sting me
And energize my very existence
Oh! Heaven, this makes a lot of sense
Life is beautiful
When love is plentiful!

Your voice

! Daughter

and some other father at the club
says, has she flown the nest yet?
and it sounds so crude
you don’t want to answer.

You’re sitting on the sofa,
she’s behind you at the table,
she’s silent, you can feel her
growing up inside. You know
you mustn’t turn and look at her –

A Baby Angel

can't stop the flowing water
from mountains high
dropp to the depth of wisdom
down to the deepest ocean..

open the stamina of love
spread the seeds of fertility
blow the fire of passion
to that sweet lovely beauty...

My Sage Green Robe

I sit on my bed, and look across at my sage green towelling robe,
hanging on the back of the bedroom door.

Does he still 'fancy' me,
when I'm wearing it,
probably not,
it's not 'sexy', rather 'frumpy' really,
not at all an 'exciting' piece of clothing.

A dowdy bird,

Tired Of The Same Old Same Old?

Are you getting tired of the same old same old?
Are things about as exciting as watching leaf mold?
Are you bored with the infinite tedium of your day?
Is everything just a quay of gray?
A passe replay of every yesterday?
A stale ashtray of ashes gray?
Are you stuck in the doldrums?
Is life just a bowl of stale crumbs?
Has zest been boiled out and all you do is yearn?

Slippery Ground

Heavy showers make land surface slippery,
Cautious walk with alertness and worry,
Sudden fall causes injury and makes you sorry,
While Children play in street and make it marry,

We tend to forget soon the impact of ground,
Not heeding to advice even looks sound,
In heavy rain you should avoid drive and round,
Such joy and happiness may always be not found,

Sonnet To The Seasons

Many contend spring is life at her best
when everything is warm and wonderful
and we feel so heart-bright and full of zest
we gather our flowers by the armful.
Some say summertime is life heating up
and we lose our innocence but gain much
insight and opportunities hook up
while accelerating our Midas touch.
But I say it's fall when the winds of change

The Blessing

When, by a decree of the sovereign power,
The poet makes his appearance in a bored world,
With fists clenched at the horror, his outraged mother
Calls on a pitying God, at whom these curses are hurled:
"Why was I not made to litter a brood of vipers
Rather than conceive this human mockery?
My curses on that night whose ephemeral pleasures
Filled my womb with this avenging treachery!

Since I must be chosen among all women that are

10 Moons, 9 Months

10 moons,
9 months,
with 2 hearts,
pulsing in my body.
You try to teach me now
love, tolerance, compassion...
My Darling, maybe it`s just time
to repeat my most exciting,
10 moons,9 months long,
thorough body-

Bleeding Words

To talk with you doesn't make any sense,
When your bloody words can hurt me so much.
An exciting show is your best defense,
Slaughtered thoughts drop nakedly at the soul's touch.

The bleeding screams are sutured in my soul.
In time, the silence of this torment grips
Some domination for a selfish goal,
While inconceivable are my truth's lips.

The Trash Men

here they come
these guys
grey truck
radio playing

they are in a hurry

it’s quite exciting:
shirt open
bellies hanging out

Metamorphoses: Book The Eleventh

HERE, while the Thracian bard's enchanting strain
Sooths beasts, and woods, and all the listn'ing
The female Bacchanals, devoutly mad,
In shaggy skins, like savage creatures, clad,
Warbling in air perceiv'd his lovely lay,
And from a rising ground beheld him play.
When one, the wildest, with dishevel'd hair,
That loosely stream'd, and ruffled in the air;

A Forsaken Text

O lamb of gleaming richness!
listen to firefly’s happiness
it moves the audience
to reject unbalance

O mentor of enchanting kindness!
sense dialog of waves
it lure stoned heart
to rejuvenate

Fervid Desire Within

Rhyme on my heart
Feel the lines apart
Metrical at the start
Beautiful sensation will impart

Life is like a verse
Rhythm is not a curse
Intonations on me immerse
Within my art coerce