It Is Not Love It Is Madness

(You say) It is not love, it is madness
My madness may be the cause of your fame
Sever not my relationship with you
If nothing then be my enemy
What is the meaning of notoriety in meeting me
If not in public court meet me alone
I am not my own enemy
So what if the stranger is in love with you
Whatever you are, it is due to your own being
If this not known then it is ignorance

As Once The Winged Energy Of Delight

As once the winged energy of delight
carried you over childhood's dark abysses,
now beyond your own life build the great
arch of unimagined bridges.

Wonders happen if we can succeed
in passing through the harshest danger;
but only in a bright and purely granted
achievement can we realize the wonder.

Sonnet: A Lost Friendship

You were my friend then: now almost stranger!
Our friendship appeared once very glorious;
What happened meantime, gives me great anger;
Our friendship no longer remains serious.

Fool you were, to be misled by others,
Who drove a giant wedge ’midst our friendship;
Cut off is our friendship, which me bothers;
A nadir has come in our relationship.

Fear Of The Inexplicable

But fear of the inexplicable has not alone impoverished
the existence of the individual; the relationship between
one human being and another has also been cramped by it,
as though it had been lifted out of the riverbed of
endless possibilities and set down in a fallow spot on the
bank, to which nothing happens. For it is not inertia alone
that is responsible for human relationships repeating
themselves from case to case, indescribably monotonous and
unrenewed: it is shyness before any sort of new,unforeseeable

A Friend

Friendship is an amazing relationship,
I don't know how others understand,
I don't know how others withstand,
It is something hidden and locked by a zip.

By the passage of time,
A friend is gradually exposed,
Constituents are often decomposed,
Keeping the relations becomes a crime.

Ignorant Before The Heavens Of My Life

Ignorant before the heavens of my life,
I stand and gaze in wonder. Oh the vastness
of the stars. Their rising and descent. How still.
As if I didn't exist. Do I have any
share in this? Have I somehow dispensed with
their pure effect? Does my blood's ebb and flow
change with their changes? Let me put aside
every desire, every relationship
except this one, so that my heart grows used to
its farthest spaces. Better that it live

To My Kindred Spirit

We share secrets, we laugh and even cry,
We have so much in common,
Concerns, likes and dislikes.
Ours is a relationship joined by
Tender velvet chains that link our
Similar dreams of life and love.
A gentle intuition guides us in our
Individual struggles to succeed,
To stand out from the crowd.
In you I have found so much of myself,

A Special Relationship

You are my creator
My mentor, my teacher,
You are the guiding force of my life
Who always help me in times of strife.

I know you are and will always be
by my side,
You are someone above God
And these words I shall always abide.

~ From Fathomless Skyline ~

~ From Fathomless Skyline ~
Ms. Nivedita
June 18,2010

From fathomless skyline
Hear deep carmine call.

My bosom like
Mellifluent octave

' Life To Be '

It must be
I see the usual
I see the certain
that settled
whatever involved
the symbiosis
the continuity

You And Him/You And Me?

When I first saw you
I knew you were taken
The decision wasn't mine
It was yours in the making
You took that risk
Thought you could juggle
Where did it end?
Us, here in this muddle
You know how much I like you
But this relationship takes two

To The One I Love

To the one I love, the one I adore,
My only goal in life, the one I live for -
Though we might fight more than we get along,
I hope our relationship will never go wrong.
I love to be with you, I love you around;
I'm so glad I'm the one you found.
Though you may not see what you mean to me,
My love for you will always be.
I know you love me and I know you care;
That's why I treasure the love we share.

The Three Women

Three women held together
By family ties and
Bound by a solid relationship.
They were battered by the
Ups and downs of the
Wheel of Life and deprived
From the wonderful things
The World has to offer.

They found refuge and redemption

When You Love Someone Who Loves Someone Else

I sit and look right at you
You stare back into my eyes
But you have no idea
You're the reason that I cry
I think about you constantly
And wonder what it'd be like
For you to hold me in your arms
One sad and lonely night
To know that you are right there
To wipe away my tears

#10 (From, ‘what's Really Happening - In 54 Numbers’)

A love and hate relationship,
Will never do for me;
I must have more in my power chip,
To be or not to be.

The question is to give a try,
The feelings that we keep inside.
The goal, is to reach the sky,
And do what we consider right.

(the) Fate Of Fatal Lovers

Fated to be in a togetherness...
No one comprehends but them.

The fate of fatal lovers,
In a relationship
Others tell them not meant to be.

There is too much abuse done publicly.
And in private this feeds a romance...
Enhanced by physical foreplay,

# # A Soul - Part Four [conclusion]

As i grew day by day
my dads love for mom grew along
he was very pleased with me
as a gift from mom
i did revive their relationship
i was doing what..i was sent for

awoken i felt...from the day
'your time to leave' i was told
all good things must come to an end

Our Beautiful Country

India is our beautiful country
Her presence is in South Asia,
Along with the neighbouring countries
She has peaceful relationship.

Indus Valley civilization signifies,
This modern name as India,
In the past the great emperor named
Bharata has ruled over this land
So, her another name is Bharat.

Holi Oh Holi

Holi! Holi! You have come once in a year,
You come with colors to provide us cheer.
You are also known as festival of color,
You bring joy in lives instead of dolor.

You are celebrated by Hindus and non Hindu communities,
You come with love, fraternity and many opportunities
You are celebrated to mark the arrival of spring,
Celebrants daub themselves, happiness they bring.


Memories of you, like opening a window to a view,
Always so new,
Hills, valleys slumbering in the mystique,
Of the midday sun,
Ancient wells, church bells,
Sounds echoing across the lonely fells,
With my endless tears of loss,
Your words flow like the rivers of past times,
Caressing, mystical chimes,
Whispers rebounding, over the wind blown ocean,