I Speak Not #153 In Top 500 Poems On 15th July 2021

I speak not
As I feel
Speaking is not essential
Silence speaks for itself
Even eyes speak
Speak thousand words my quivering lips
Unsaid words travel million miles
Sun speaks
Moon speaks
Speaks the thunderstorm

Dear Reader

Baudelaire considers you his brother, and Fielding calls out to you every few paragraphs as if to make sure you have not closed the book, and now I am summoning you up again, attentive ghost, dark silent figure standing in the doorway of these words.

A Few Words

A few words
Could bring more than a sound
Touch the ears turn wry to golden smile
or sharper than a glass to cut into pieces

Winding up a road between us
Separating emotions out of mind from the case
Would be wrong to let ego reign the grace
How ignorant sometimes heart could be?

If I Could Write Words

If I could write words
Like leaves on an autumn forest floor,
What a bonfire my letters would make.

If I could speak words of water,
You would drown when I said
'I love you.'


To clasp you now and feel your head close-pressed,
Scented and warm against my beating breast;

To whisper soft and quivering your name,
And drink the passion burning in your frame;

To lie at full length, taut, with cheek to cheek,
And tease your mouth with kisses till you speak

Love words, mad words, dream words, sweet senseless words,

A Simple Journey

oh how sweet are the words from your lips
the words full of hope and promises
oh how sweet to hear those whispers
whispers with jokes and naughty phrase...

am i still the apple of your eyes?
the princess of your life?
am i still the goddess of love?
the only woman who owns your heart? ..


All round me are words, and words and words,
They grow on me like leaves, they never
Seem to stop their slow growing
From within... But I tell my self, words
Are a nuisance, beware of them, they
Can be so many things, a
Chasm where running feet must pause, to
Look, a sea with paralyzing waves,
A blast of burning air or,
A knife most willing to cut your best

A Nation Of Cowards

(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters)

Powerful words,
Truthful words,
Honest words,
Brave words;
This is exactly what the Doctor orders,
For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrors
Of blatant racism,
Unfairness, injustice,


(For Music)

What sight so lured him thro' the fields he knew
As where earth's green stole into heaven's own hue,

What sound was dearest in his native dells?
The mellow lin-lan-lone of evening bells


I sat there singing her
Songs in the dark.

She said;
'I do not understand
The words'.

I said;
'There are
No words'.

Where My Books Go

All the words that I utter,
And all the words that I write,
Must spread out their wings untiring,
And never rest in their flight,
Till they come where your sad, sad heart is,
And sing to you in the night,
Beyond where the waters are moving,
Storm-darken’d or starry bright.

Psalm Three

On the day when my words
were earth...
I was a friend to stalks of wheat.

On the day when my words
were wrath
I was a friend to chains.
On the day when my words
were stones
I was a friend to streams.

~ Poetry Is Not Chase Game ~

Ms. Nivedita. UK

Puny Pawn
Blink and frown.

Kinetic Knight moves angular
Words appear hazy blur.

Rock Rook has linear move


So the light falls, and so it fell
on branched leaved with flocking birds.
Loght stole a citys weight to swell
the coloured lofe of stone. Your words
hung weightless in my ear: Remember me.

All words except those words were drowned
in the fresh babbling rush of spring.
In summer's dream-filled light one sound
echoed through all the whispering

What Would I Give

What would I give for a heart of flesh to warm me through,
Instead of this heart of stone ice-cold whatever I do!
Hard and cold and small, of all hearts the worst of all.

What would I give for words, if only words would come!
But now in its misery my spirit has fallen dumb.
O merry friends, go your own way, I have never a word to say.

What would I give for tears! Not smiles but scalding tears,
To wash the black mark clean, and to thaw the frost of years,

The Gardener Xxvii: Trust Love

'Trust love even if it brings sorrow.
Do not close up your heart.'
'Ah no, my friend, your words are
dark, I cannot understand them.'
'Pleasure is frail like a dewdrop,
while it laughs it dies. But sorrow is
strong and abiding. Let sorrowful
love wake in your eyes.'
'Ah no, my friend, your words are
dark, I cannot understand them.'

Simple And Noble Words

Simple and noble words of laughing
And that laugh in working,
Simple and noble words of loving
And that love in working,
Make things beautifully presenting
And properly doing,
As flowers blooming in garden or wild
Spread fragrance all around,
If simple and noble words bloom flower
Flower garden will be everywhere.

The Silent Lover I

PASSIONS are liken'd best to floods and streams:
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb;
So, when affection yields discourse, it seems
   The bottom is but shallow whence they come.
They that are rich in words, in words discover
That they are poor in that which makes a lover.

Sea-Woman Awake On A Sleeping Shore

Her eyes
Are deeper than eyes
Her dreams
Are deeper than dreams
Her thoughts
Are deeper than thoughts
Her words
Are deeper than words
Her poems
Are deeper than poems.

At The Beating Of A Drum

Fear ye not the stormy future, for the Battle Hymn is strong,
And the armies of Australia shall not march without a song;
The glorious words and music of Australia's song shall come
When her true hearts rush together at the beating of a drum.

We may not be there to hear it – 'twill be written in the night,
And Australia's foes shall fear it in the hour before the fight.
The glorious words and music from a lonely heart shall come
When our sons shall rush to danger at the beating of the drum.