Ramesh T A Lies Poems

Wisdom Lies In Turning Impossible Into Possible!

Dry lands, barren lands and rocky lands are there in many places;
Even barren lands are taken as challenge to turn into agricultural ones;
When such things are there, is it wise to turn fertile ones into dry desert lands?
That is what fast developing technological world is doing for progress!

Success Of Any Company Lies In Efficiency!

Are the growth and harvest be possible, if the fence itself grazes crops?
Being in a company, if the sleeping partners take away lion's share of profit,
Can the working partners and other workers get any money for survival ever?

Long Life Lies In People's Hands!

It has come into practice buying cans and bottlesfull og water
For drinking purpose as lakes and rivers are polluted ever;
Recent cyclones and heavy rains have purified lake waters;
Yet, they can't be used as drainage and effluents mix with them!

Joy Lies In Love, Unity And Peace!

Real joy in world life lies in the hidden treasure of love, unity and peace;
Peace, beauty and love are what Nature is always for and life sustains ever;
Ever beauty and love attracts all for unity to live life in joy and fulfilment;
Fulfilment solves all problems in the world life whatever things all do here!

Real Joy Lies In Doing Duty With Natural Interest!

In Nature, Sum, Moon Stars, plants, trees and all living beings do works
For stability, ecological balance and sustenance of all sans jeopardy;
But man does anything only for some benefit or profit or money
And rejoices or suffers by success or failure, profit or loss bothering for none!

Completion Of One's Life Lies In Greatest Work Of Joy!

Natural sense of beauty with discipline behind love kindles
Creativity to produce or express matters of great significance;
Such kind of work of art, music, painting and poetry becomses
Masterpiece of a master or maestro claimed as classical work!

Happiness Lies In Pleasure!

When one is out of mood, goes to Nature to have a walk
And recover lost mood only to get the feeling that it
Too is in one's mood only and gets no relief at all..!

Freedom Lies In Care Free And Tension Less Life!

Freedom Lies in Care Free and Tension Less Life!

In tension we live, do work and spend time till the end in the world;
All things we do with beauty should not be spoiled by bad elements;

Natural Pride Lies in Discovery and Contribution of One's Great To Humanity!

Natural pride comes of knowledge, ideas, capacity, capability,
Ability, creativity, technique and talent in thoughts, words and Deeds to produce beautiful and beneficial things for humanity's

Where Lies Fulfilment In Life?

Where Lies Fulfilment in Life?

Regularizing creative activity also makes it mechanical work;
Natural creative works give greatest pleasure unknown earlier;

Human Power Lies In Knowledge With Skill!

Knowledge with skill development in schools and colleges make one powerful person;
By such preparation only, one achieves great thing for all in all walks of life;
Natural skill or talent is human power that one can wield to do achievements;
Knowledge is power if skill is utilized with common sense and general knowledge!

My Life Lies In Poetry!

My soul is in writing creative works of art and Nature forever;
That is my life that lies in Poetry of all subjects to see an end;
End seems to be near, but it becomes desert mirage later;
As my last mission in world life in indulge in writing Poetry!


Talent or genius lies in early interest in writing or painting or singing in life;
Education system that encourages such interests of all makes them artists or scientists;
Talent of writing by many tests and exams makes one creative or inventive person later;
once talent of writing becomes a common thing, one's achievements become miracle!

Real Progress Lies In Experience And Wisdom!

Enjoying benefits more than needed, many have forgotten God and Nature ever;
Not knowing what they are doing, they are destroying Nature, the foundation of all;
To make all realize what mistakes all do, Nature shows its wrath by storms and floods;
Climate itself has changed resulting in long drought in Summer and floods in Winter!

Nature is mother, friend, philosopher and teacher for all from childhood to the end in life;
Sure technological and economic developments are mark of civilization in modern world;
But destruction of forest for proceeding with commercial crops and expansion of urban area
Indeed destroying natural resources and pollution changes climate leading to natural disasters!

Real Progress Lies In Natural Way Of Life In Creativity!

Creative work is concentrated, thoughtful activity by persons of talent sure;
Mechanical work is repetitive activity done for the sake of duty by ordinary men;
Lovers of natural life prefer creative work to do using talent for satisfaction;
Mechanical life of many are ordinary job doers doing works for survival!

Wisdom Lies In Learning From The Mistakes Ever!

Wisdom Lies in Learning from the Mistakes!
Sudden down pour of rain in the early morning is a blessing in disguise in Summer;
It's like seeing an oasis, when going on a long journey in a vast desert sure;
If such things happen, Summer will be tolerable to bear its ruthless heat...;

Relativity Of Flowers And Birds Lies In Love And Friendship!

Relativity of flowers and birds in Nature lies in love and friendship ever;
Flowers attract by beauty all to love and are the symbol of love by Nature;
Birds of same feather flock together as the team of friends for any mission ever;
Love only unites lovers at first sight and brotherly love unites men as friends!

Wisdom Lies In Learning From The Mistakes!

By flash floods causing formidable havoc to everything and everyone everywhere
Due to bursting of permafrost and breaking of glaciers caused by climate change
As a result of pollution of all kinds, Nature mocks at modern world and its civilization
Underlining the need to correct unwise advances and developments made by man!

Where Lies Bliss?

Nature, music and love are great in life
A poet and mystic of high nature loves!
Spiritually satisfying Nature he enjoys
Like a free flying bird in this world...!

Honour Lies In Honest Toil Ever!

Doing interesting work in life long only gives one
Honour, pride, pleasure and satisfaction in the world;
That too doing it with truthfulness, sincerity, honesty,
Devotion and dedication gives greatest joy and fulfilment!

Where Lies The Control?

Which one has the ruling power over all in the world?
Is it Nature or culture or art or science or army or
Civilization or money or sex or drinks or drugs or
Beauty or love or truth or mother or leader or God?

A Thousand Lies!

Can a lie
Said thousand times

Identity Of A Language Lies In Its Script!

Only script is the identity of each and every language;
Pronunciation of words are indicated by alphabets in it;
Script of other language cannot be suitable for each one
Making the need for particular script for particular one!

Success In All Fields Lies In Right Decision!

Success of managing company or family lies in taking
Right decision on works when and how to be started
And also, when and how to be completed by listing them
In order to avoid unnecessary works and expenses ever!

Independence Of Individuals Lies In Self Reliance!

Freedom and independence to think, express and do are
What everyone wishes to acquire in the journey of life
As political freedom is just a pass allowing one and all
To strive in the world using knowledge, skill and efforts!

Wisdom Of Man Lies In Best Utilization Of Nature Ever!

The living scientific art Nature is the beginning and end for all;
Nature is the life, science and art in the world sure forever;
Nature is the mother, friend, philosopher and guide for everyone;
Nature is the source or origin and destiny or end of all beings!

Means To Real Progress Of A Nation Lies Only In Democracy!

During World War II time, many European and Asian countries
Were shattered to pieces, but recovered after a few decades;
World was divided into two blocs controlled by capitalism
And communism bringing prosperity and progress only to first!

World Paradise Lies In The Unity Of Mankind By Wisdom!

A great threat to world peace and progress lies in obsolete creed and communism;
Best course can be followed by knowledge of science, literature and humanities
Coupled with democratic ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity and justice sure!

Real Freedom Lies In Natureal Way Of Life Only!

Relaxation, rest and freedom are what is needed
From stay put up in one place with fixed work
Nonstop for months together to have joy and peace
To renew our body, mind and soul to live life well!

Intelligence Lies In Learning From The Mistakes Of Others!

Social distancing is the best means to avert spread of
Deadly disease virus to a large number of people sure;
Physical distancing is the wise act of preventive one
That helps much to avert cure of disease later in world!

From archaeological excavations, explorations of inscriptions
Carved on the walls of temples in the East and pyramids in West
And colossal statues of world places we come to know vital and
Valuable information about glory of past civilizations of world!

Success Lies In The Love Of Creating Beauty Out Of Chaos!

Anything done beautifully as art becomes valuable one world;
Art makes beauty out of chaos like Poetry does with words;
Creative art and inventive science making useful things in
The World help humanity proceed hopefully in life's journey!

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