Honour Lies In Honest Toil Ever! Poem by Ramesh T A

Honour Lies In Honest Toil Ever!

Doing interesting work in life long only gives one
Honour, pride, pleasure and satisfaction in the world;
That too doing it with truthfulness, sincerity, honesty,
Devotion and dedication gives greatest joy and fulfilment!

Dissatisfied with economically beneficial job, many switch
Over to writing profession and also write poetry for great
Fulfilment and satisfaction misusing their position in the
Society or abusing their status to gain popularity sure..!

Poetic field is not like other professional occupation to
Conduct conference like meetings of such kind of poets now
And then to get popularity through newspapers and magazine
Advertisements so that they can make bucks out of their books!

Poetry is the legacy poets leave to the world for posterity
To know reality of the past to live better in the present
And realize their dreams in the future by their cherished
Ideas for human unity, peace, prosperity and progress ever!

Honour, recognition and awards to poets have to come naturally
To them but never through business like conference and all;
For that, poets's works should be published in papers and also
All magazines to popularize significance of poetry to the public!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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