Ramesh T A Meditation Poems

Meditation leading to mysticism makes one a yogi or mystic who knows past, present and future;
To have completion of one's life, one has to develop spiritually after enjoyment in all in life;
Emotional, intellectual and spiritual development make one's life full circle in the world;
Birth is waking up in life and death is eternal sleep after total experience in life as a dream!

Exploration By Meditation Is Great!

Exploration takes place by mediation of mind helping one
To know past, present and future of one's Self and others;
Well versed so by travelling everywhere as in Time machine,
Mind attains the skill of intuition to predict about all!


What is meditation? Have you thought about it?
Closing eyes and concentrating on one thing make
One forget oneself which is what meditation is all!
Making one forget oneself is the work of mediation!

A Nature Meditation!

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