Abdul Wahab Poems

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>≫≫Poetry And Other Arts

I am not a dreamer
So my poems are not dreams
Nor they are my dances
As I am not a dancer

>≫Love Is Like A Rubber Band

After stretching it a bit
If any one of you, two
Release the end you hold
Will hit the other like a rubber band

>≫≫Honesty Of A Thief

In the name of god
Six men silently went to do a theft
In a house of their neighbour
Successfully they broke into

>≫≫My Pleasure

I am a Bengali, an Indian
A Muslim and an Asian
Friend, I am truly broken
In keeping and fighting out

Static Earth

Turn back the hands of the clock
Pull them so much that they enter into an age
And fall upon a piece of land
Where people still think

Male Mother

I had a bun in the oven
From which I suffered the pain
Out of desperation I took a knife
Straight I went to the room of operation

>≫≫≫The Cat

I struggle to keep from misfortunes
When the cat plays on the wall of time
And steals the bones of fish
From the plates of my massive deeds


This is really unbelievable
To think that what’s the reason to be born
If one day you have to die

>≫Thorn Within

In walking the road
We are too worried about pot holes
In every twist and turn we are looked anxious
But the thorns we keep

>≫For A Poem Only

A poem
Woven with words
And few lines of length
For which daily I die,

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