Adegbite Adeyinka Poems

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Gotham City

A city of justice,
Of purity and sheer peace;
Where Jason returns the fleece
And no war kills its bliss.

I Think Of You

I still think of you,
In the dry, cold night;
On my chilly sleek sofa,
I lay lost in thoughts of you.

A Love Song For You

Words born of my heart
To the one whose own, I am
The loveliest of the creator's art
To you I write this psalm;


Hear the voices as they call out
Hear them plead, shiveringly, from without
In sorrow and anguish, hear as they cry
Their tears pour more, the more they dry

Dance In The Rain

Could we dance in the rain?
Could you twirl around on the plain?
I'll tip my hat to take your hand
Smile a beckon, I'll help you stand

In A Whisper

If only she sees what I see,
And hears my every thought, that
She basks in the grandeur of the golden Sun
And wears the grace of the stars in a night sky

Take Me Home

If I journey o'er lands and seas
The place that I wish to be is this;
What season matters when I'm there,
Where I am assuaged of my fear?

Journey Mercy

When thou face the future seated, fearing
Keep the words of promise on thy lips, faring;
None could tell where the journey might end
A life could end veering off one bend,


Alone, and beyond searching eyes
Faraway in the woods, where no eye pries;
I'd journeyed the world for a place like this
Where time stands still when lovers kiss


Life is time hurrying to an end,
And Sun, towards the horizon, to set,
Waiting no moment, man's ways, to mend
As its chariot bears him to his rest;

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