Alizee Toson

Alizee Toson Poems

In my childhood, I often dreamt
Of a place of calmness,
Everywhere there was serein and
All the things were wholly enshrined.

My misty eyes, cried all night
In the regret of past,
In the bitterness of the morrow,
That I couldn’t hide,

Tearing the utter serene, of the long empty church,
An ingénue came, with her gloomy gray eyes in some search.
Clad in crimson carrying acute forlornness and inner fear,
Her golden brown hair were long and conscience was so clear.

Look at the beautiful sky,
Shining up very high.
Glittering up by the pearl vapours,
Tremble by the air above,

With this enlivening breeze,
A thought of you enough to please.
Aroma of moments together spend,
Brings composure, all happiness it blend.

Enduring life solitary, in a murky mundane,
Torpid and skittish, I curious to escape from the world of profane.

Unaware and untouched by any affection and adore,

Born in gloom paucity:
Astonishingly glean glee in plenty,
Are really pristine that oblivious of spirit or evil,
Gad for own serene sheer.

Love that you spend all over,
Laminate life though noticed never.
Somewhere somehow it gone with you,
Lost in air, and air is few.

Born on the sacred land of Porbander,
He was an aesthete of truth and non-violence.

Married at thirteen,

The Best Poem Of Alizee Toson

My Childhood Dream

In my childhood, I often dreamt
Of a place of calmness,
Everywhere there was serein and
All the things were wholly enshrined.
Lonely me, anxious and keen to know,
Asked “thou soft falling shower where I am? ”
But alas! it remains subdued,
On no reply, solitary I turned and
What I saw was strange to tell,
A bonnilass, in splendid wear,
Was sitting and beholding me,
Stealthily I walked nearer to her,
Promptly she said “this is my place.”
Mesmerized in her glitter,
But eagered to know who is she …? ?
Incredulous, she answered again before I asked her,
As if she heard my innerquest,
She said “I am the soul of heaven.”
Amazed and speechless,
But got my answer.
Wow! I was in heaven,
To display my heart’s elation,
I minstrelled in mellifluous voice,
Hummed softly, and pleaded her,
For my stay in heaven, forever…
In all of sudden, lost all dreamt,
I woke up and wondered,
Was it just a dream!
Thought when dream comes true …
Terrafirma will become a place of serenty,
Which will be loved by all.

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