Amber Kangas

Amber Kangas Poems

a smile's worth
a thousand words
or as so people say
so i decided

My heart begins to race
As a sheet passes before my face
Anger begins to grow
The fear of faliure begins to show

I see your smile
dropp from your face
as you suffer this pain
in this place

This pain fills me
this pain of emptiness
a pain that doesn't go away
a pain of longing for


tears are falling
from her eyes
how could she believe
all those lies

Her eyes sparkle
in the sun
her hair flows down
in the breeze

Tears roll
down my face
leaving my sight a blur
why would you

Do you ever feel
like someone's following you
well I never stop
I am with you always


Red is the color of
a scrape
and a cut


The light creeps through the clouds
Showing promise of a better tomorrow
There is nothing like seeing the sun
After a week of rain

Why do you look at me
with that look in your eye
that twinkle of happiness
that you are only thinking of me

I never fell for someone
the way I fell for you
but in the end
my decision

I look into your eyes
but you look away
why are you in this pain
is it my fault

When I look at you
My heart begins to race
You make me feel happy
When I see your face

why cant you see
that it is you and me
who belong together
you are perfect for me

your eyes glitter
with the reflection of the sun
your skin is soft
with beauty I can't touch

Do you take me a fool
I will not fall for your tricks
you're the fool
the fool who thinks that

Tick tick tick
time is running out
I am growing older
life is very short

Blood flows out of
the crevise I have made
Blood is also smudged
on my knife blade

I am frozen
staring into the fire
waiting for the future
to unwravel before my eyes

The Best Poem Of Amber Kangas

A Smile

a smile's worth
a thousand words
or as so people say
so i decided
to put it to the test
and smile the whole day
I went for a walk
down the street
smiling without lack
I was supprised
when on my walk
I saw people smiling back
but when we went
to the city
there was no reaction
It seemed like
no one cared
there was no satisfaction
for in a small town
people smile
like it is no trouble
but in a city
well you know
they seem to live in a bubble
you can try
and take the test
and see what people do
but for now
I hope you smile
and people smile back at you

Amber Kangas Comments

Tiera Parker 09 March 2009

wow great poems.. alot of emotion.. your poems are deep..

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