Anashree Nash

Anashree Nash Poems

Like a rainbow that appears
After a storm
Thats what you are to me.

She will dance with suffering;
And face pain in the eye,
Walks fearlessly beneath,
The stormy skies.

Words flow so eloquently;
Like a tranquil flowing stream,
The nimble choice of your words;
Put together, to explain how I feel.

It has been a while;
Since I've gotten so attached to someone,
In the shortest space of time.

I gaze at him long and hard;
The man that stands before me,
Is this all I am or to be;
I ask you man in the mirror.

Does a person have a soul;
Who commits such,
A treacherous act?
Does he have poison,

Your advice;
God's wisdom,

Your smile;


I am not a princess who
Needs saving,

The unicorns beauty
Captured your eye
As it glided from the heavens.

Dear Lord, in all that we face
I trust you are with us
In every breath we take.

You stepped into our lives,
Out of the blue.
We did not know what hit us,
But damn, you hit hard.

It is true that my Donnas Departure
From life was a tragedy
My heart will always
Bleed from that pain.

Dear Life...

You have certainly
Given me your best shot,

From the dept of our hearts
We prayed for you
A little more each day
But the voice of the Lord was

Love seems to be;
Fading further away,
As each day turns to night.


If I could hear your voice;
Just once, just once more

It feels as if;
I'm in a dream,
Where I'd awaken;
And have you here again...

07 April 2010 God tool u away mum...

It has been seven years;
That god has taken,

He's gods finest masterpiece
Though it's not his
Handsome face or his brilliance
That has captured my heart

Sweet Angel

Take my hand and lead me to the night;
That we first met.

The Best Poem Of Anashree Nash

The Love Of My Life...Love Of My Soul... My Pups

Like a rainbow that appears
After a storm
Thats what you are to me.

The colour in the
Canvas of my life
Is you.

In the storm
Of this crazy world
You are my peace.

Through the tunnels of darkness that life
Had taken me through,
You are my light.

And above all
Through all the sadness and pain
You are my happiness.

Do all those words
Fully explain
The value of you to me, NO.

For words alone cannot explain
The love that i feel for you.

It is a feeling that
Only my heart
Will completely understand.

Its like being near the ocean,
Where you are the calm
Of my soul.

And when im near you
My incomplete world
Is so complete.

When i am with you we create a world
Of our own when we lose ourselves
In our own happiness and laughter.

Sometimes i wish there were
More hours in a day
For the time i have with you is never enough.

In this time that
Ive got to know you
You have become my whole world.

You are the love of my life,
The love of my soul,
My greatest treasure in life is you pups.

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