2020 Pandemic...Be Still, God Is Always In Control. Poem by Anashree Nash

2020 Pandemic...Be Still, God Is Always In Control.

You stepped into our lives,
Out of the blue.
We did not know what hit us,
But damn, you hit hard.
With every passing moment,
You invaded one country at a time,
Until you became an international intruder.

You brought our routines
To a halt,
Perhaps you turned our
World upside down.
Yes you brought so many
Unthinkable and to some extent
Hideous changes to our lives.

Lockdown, sure why not
Our lives were at risk
Little did we know
One month turned to two...three...
Some found it torture
Some found it bliss
We never imagined to experience this.

Many souls have
Left This earth due to
Your venomous plague,
That tortured their body.
You instilled fear into our minds,
When you became
A medical mystery.

Through the existence of mankind,
Your pandemic has made history.
To be a plague that has
Invaded our lives,
So swiftly almost
As fast as the
Speed of light.

You made headlines,
Coverpage, breaking news,
Throughout the world
Like a power hungry psychopath,
Where you felt you have
The ultimate control
Of our lives....

You have shaken our world,
But you cannot break us.
You may have rocked
Our boat a little but
We still continue to sail
As we are naturally
Designed to adapt.

People were robbed
Of their lives,
But not their soul.
Doctors and nurses
Lives were taken,
But they did not
Lose their merit.

Some sadly lost their
Monthly income and
Some their jobs
Poverty knocked on
Their door and bills pilled up
But we survived through
That somehow.

What was most shattering
Was families going to bed hungry,
Until kind hearted souls
Joined hands to
Fill the void in their lives
And this pandemic
Was conquered once more.

Children were robbed
Of their studies,
But not their education.
Extroverts lost their freedom,
Until virtual parties arose
As we are
Innovatively inclined.

The doors to religious gatherings
A place of worship to the
Almighty were closed but that
Is okay for he resides in our heart
And congregations were born
To worship the Lord
In union and in power.

We did go through
A negative experience
Though it came with
Much positivity as well,
Now we appreciate our
Lives much more
Than we did before.

We value the breaths
We now take
Children got to spend
More time with their parents
Hearty healthy eating
Replaced unhealthy takeaways
A family awoke with a sober parent...

And the topper
People who never
Knew much of the Lord
Decided to seek him
And find solace
From his presence
In this great challenge we faced.

In every aspect of our lives
God is aware of everything we face,
Before it presents itself.
Our eyes can only see
The distance up to a bend,
But God can see
The distance beyond a bend.

Today it was the corona pandemic,
Tomorrow there may be something
Less or more hazardous to our lives.
But through it all,
Only God has the ultimate
Control of our life
And our demise.

So even if the earth
Beneath you quivers
There is no need
To fear the wind
When your faith
Is deeply rooted
In the almighty.

Whatever is meant
To happen will happen
This pandemic will fade
And we all will be left
Much stronger, much wiser
And much more appreciative
Than we were.

Whilst the corona pandemic
Has brought the world to its knees
It could not kick us flat on our faces
Survivors live to tell its tale
And the rest of us
Will recollect and narrate
Bitter sweet memories of this plague.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,god,hope,trust
With the 2020 Pandemic it was quite fitting to write a poem of it to bring light and hope into peoples hearts and remove the fear of this pandemic especially knowing god is always in control.
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