Andile Mtshali

Andile Mtshali Poems

Don't dare pretend you do not care

I can feel it, you carry it in your air.


Your lips taste like opium

Your arms my haven


I have seen the vision of the moon turning into dust

Of children running the streets naked with lust.

one two three

soon you will see

She sits and waits for his kiss

Nothing will give her more bliss

I was not perfect in your eyes.

Hence you left me now my days are as cold as ice.


I love your hips
the softness of your lips.

I love kissing your hands

You are laughing.
you jump up and down and start screaming.
uhhhh i cant stand the sound!
your eyes pierce my soul.

They made a good pair.

It wasnt just another affair.


Here is my love coloured in ink

This pen and my heart share a link

Your face was under an umbrella

But my heart heard your cappella

It is to me mind blowing

The things that leave your mouth

Here my life ends

All my days spent

The earth is beautiful
But there is no time to stand
And marvel at what it can constitute
Or wisdom to comprehend its worth.

There is a garden in her face
That no beauty could ever replace.
Her smell is always sweet,
It makes me want to bow to her feet.

The Best Poem Of Andile Mtshali

Do Not Tell Me You Don't Care

Don't dare pretend you do not care

I can feel it, you carry it in your air.

When you do not return my calls

Hoping I will love you in a pause.

When you talk of your past love

Thinking it will put me off.

When you mock my emotion

Wishing it will dry my passion.

When you dismiss my faithfulness

And compare it so ubruptly to foolishness.

Yet you want me near

But of my undying love you will not hear.

Don't you dare push me away

and trott on my heart as you may.

You have failed your pride

to habour your feelings even in your stride.

You cannot change your need

And my ability to provide.

I know to you I am very near

and believe me to me you are very dear.

So I rebuke your tries

You and I share tighter ties.

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